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TV's "Biggest Loser Show" winners gain weight back!


Doug Varrieur:
TV's "Biggest Loser Show" winners gain weight back!

What's wrong with this picture? Season 1,2,3 and 4 biggest loser winners are gaining the FAT back....Why??? Simple...They can not maintain the kind of strenuous exercise required of them to battle the sugar intake of their diets. Here's the current "Biggest Gainer" standings;

First place- Eric Chopin, winner of Season #3. When Eric started season 3 he weighed in at 407 pounds. At the finale he weighed in at 193 pounds.
Eric's current weight- 368 pounds!

Second place- Ryan Benson, winner of Season #1. When Ryan started season 1 he weighed in at 330 pounds. At the finale he weighed in at 208 pounds.
Ryan's current weight- 300 pounds!

Third place- Matt and Suzy Hoover, winners of Season #2. Matt started in at 339 pounds, Suzy at 227 pounds. At the finale Matt-182, Suzy-132 pounds
Matt's current weight-237 pounds, Suzy's current weight-175 pounds!

Fourth place- Bill Germanakos, winner of Season #4. Bill weighed in at 334 pounds, at the finale he weighed 170 pounds
Bill's current weight-207 pounds!

So much for Jillian Michaels methods!  If you want to drop weight and keep it off simply follow the FAT TO SKINNY program. 

Exercise is optional and not required to lose weight the FAT TO SKINNY way!

Doug Varrieur:
As you've heard me say time and time again, exercise is optional on this program, but what happens if you exercise?

I want you to think of your body as your car. If the engine is running at idle sitting in the driveway the fuel in the tank will burn. The FAT TO SKINNY program cuts all fuel entering your body and forces your body to use the stored fuel and at idle it will burn. Now, just like your car...if you step on the gas you'll burn fuel faster. Exercise of any kind, walking the dog, an evening stroll or simply going up and down your stairs 10 times in a row will burn your fuel quicker and your weight will drop at a more rapid pace. So if you're in a hurry and want quicker results......step on the gas a little bit  :)


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