i was very overweight Phil!! The last time I weighed myself when i was heavy I was 225.I am only 5'2.So instead of going on a diet i said I am more than a number on the scale and got really self righteous!Well then I probally gained another 25(don't know because i didn't get back on the scale) then my seizures got so bad i had to make changes, get healthy and once i made that decision to GET HEALTHY, THE WEIGHT CAME OFF.People just have to be ready.Doctors say people have no will power and i don't believe that.i think people just have to be ready.I have kept the weight off for 8 years now.I gain weight here and there but soon as my pants get tight i make changes.I refuse to buy a bigger size.I believe once you have learned important lessons you have a responsibility to teach others.This is life and death.Being overweight will kill you. So now you know my secret.Does that make us blood brothers?? hahahaha