Sugar alcohols kill me, I even gained two pounds just by eating them this month. So if you are having trouble loosing, stay away from them.
As for stalling out, it happens to all of us. Personally, it happens to me about every three months. I eat the exact same way but I just don't loose anything on the scale. I am going through that this week as well. But I have found, through my complaining about stalling, that it really is a time that my body uses to readjust it's self. Typically I end up going down a clothes size, loose inches and firm up a bit. Yes it's really hard to go through that and not loose anything but it is how our bodies handle all the weight changes.
So stay away from the carbs and do your FTS and all will be well. Might I suggest re-reading the book. I find that always helps get me going in the right direction.