... I was listening to my local news this evening and they reported a study on people that have diabetes. In the study they limited their calorie intake to 600 ( yes I said 600) including low starch vegetables for 6 weeks. They reported that these people had stable blood sugar and showed no signs of diabetes at all at the end of the study. They were suggesting that people with type 2 diabetes should eat only 600 calories to avoid problems or reverse the disease.....LOL I was literally screaming at the TV!! FTS Will do the same and you don't have to starve!!!!
Hi Shawn!
Like Dr. Oz, they've got it about half right.
The study included "low starch vegetables" which would help lower the net carb counts.
And at 600 calories per day, most starches (also a carb source) would be severely limited.
The researchers did not realize that they were actually seeing the effects of low carb intake.
The decades-long obsession with calories distorts their observations.