I think all of us who have lived much of our lives overweight develop issues, secrets, private feelings of failure and hopelessness. The really sad part about it as Tony pointed out is it truly isn't our fault. It's the fault of how we were taught. The only direct blame I levy is on our Surgeon Generals because they lead the way for American Health.....after all it's their job to do so.
With that said, personal responsibility kicks in when we finally learn the truth. This is the time to be responsible for our own health decisions both psychological and physical and the responsibility to share what we know with others who are still struggling under the veil of Bull@#$t being taught as truth.
You're their Alex, you have finally found...through your own persistence, the truth about human weight gain and loss. From today forward I want you to change your feelings of humiliation from a failed stomach stapling attempt to feelings of ANGER towards the butcher doctors who knew at the time of your operation that low carb eating would have dropped your weight naturally. YES they knew, you can bet your life on it!
Now channel that anger for the good of all by making your "secret" your own personal freak flag.
SCREAM to the world how you were hacked up for profit,
SCREAM to the world how the Gastric
weight loss surgeons take advantage of the vulnerable for sail boat payments.
SCREAM to the world how easy it can be to
lose weight eating FTS
........ AND Be Proud of yourself Alex........all of us sure are