Author Topic: I never believed it would be this difficult to explain F2S to a non-thinker:-)  (Read 3247 times)


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I have my husbands aunt on my facebook accoutnt, and ever since I've been putting a little here and there about F2S, she has been commenting on what else I could do, like adding sweet potatoes to white potatoes and mixing them together for the nutrients! I told her nicely that we're all under a way of life, for diabetics, and you have to be 20 carbs or less. So now, lol...she asks me if we've tried "sugar free" bannana pudding!! Uggh! It's not about the sugar free or not, it's about the carbs!! and that's what's so wrong with the rest of America!! They think because it says sugar free, no sugar added, what about all the carbs added?? Don't worry, I know how to read labels, thanks to you know who! and I know exactally where they're all hiddin!


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is she heavy? :)


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Yep, she and her husband are.


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I know.... it's hard for some people to wrap their minds around the idea that the carbs are what is making you fat and for diabetics making their blood sugar spike.... and if it is sugar free it is ok right.....wrong!!    Most don't see the sugar unless it is actual table sugar.  I was thinking when I saw her post that she needs to see Doug's sugar sugar sugar video....LOL  Maybe if you share a link of his for her she will watch it...especially when she sees how well your whole family is doing  ;)  I love how your teens are joining in!!!   :) :)   


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I echo Toosweet's thoughts, Stephanie! :)

The problem has been the focus on "refined" sugars and not how our bodies handle ALL net carbs.
I think what might help explain this placing an emphasis on what happens to net carbs in our bodies.

Our bodies do not know the difference if we eat a candy bar or a bowl of unsweetened grain or rice cereal.
In either case, they metabolize quickly into glucose (blood sugar) and make us FAT!
What you do today is what matters!


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@TooSweet & Mouseissue, I tried to explain it to her, I've noticed when you go into a lot of detail, people start to veer off! So I told her next time she gets a box of bannana pudding "sugar free" mix, to turn it over and look at the back where the calories and the ingredients are, and to look at the carbs! I told her she'd be surpised how much sugar is really in them! But I've notice a lot of people don't want to believe it, or their so "fixated" on the "Sugar free", "No sugar added" that they actually think they're doing good! It's sad.


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@TooSweet & Mouseissue, I tried to explain it to her, I've noticed when you go into a lot of detail, people start to veer off! So I told her next time she gets a box of bannana pudding "sugar free" mix, to turn it over and look at the back where the calories and the ingredients are, and to look at the carbs! I told her she'd be surpised how much sugar is really in them! But I've notice a lot of people don't want to believe it, or their so "fixated" on the "Sugar free", "No sugar added" that they actually think they're doing good! It's sad.

"Sugar Free", "Reduced Fat", "Organic", "No Sugar Added", etc. are popular and effective marketing propaganda tools.
Their purpose is to get the public to buy products... Not necessarily make anyone healthier!

Carefully reading (and understanding) nutrition labels and knowing how or bodies metabolize carbs are key to breaking free from the propaganda.
What you do today is what matters!


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@TooSweet & Mouseissue, I tried to explain it to her, I've noticed when you go into a lot of detail, people start to veer off! So I told her next time she gets a box of bannana pudding "sugar free" mix, to turn it over and look at the back where the calories and the ingredients are, and to look at the carbs! I told her she'd be surpised how much sugar is really in them! But I've notice a lot of people don't want to believe it, or their so "fixated" on the "Sugar free", "No sugar added" that they actually think they're doing good! It's sad.

I agree snobles. My extended family is always trying to get me to eat so called "sugar free stuff." I tried the first year to explain it, now I just smile and say I'll look into it.
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Ive been fortunate.. the people I have shared with have grasp my explaination and some have done it, others just believe in reducing.. You can lead a horse to the lake but you cant make it drink.. Well Stephanie, she wont even go to the lake.. Sad but she will have a rude awakening one day..

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt


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I just never realized Alex how mislead people are almost like they're brainwashed!


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A few months back, my boss went on a trip to the Caymen Islands.  She brought back a rum cake for the office to enjoy.  The sweet part was that she made a special effort to ALSO buy a "sugar free rum cake" because I am on FTS and one person in the company is a diabetic.  I felt so bad because both cakes had the very SAME number of carbs per serving.   :-\   I did eat a tiny little piece, but tried to eat carb free the rest of the day.  It is confusing for people out there. 


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Run into it all the time at family & friends parties with Ty being diabetic . Thye say Ty you can eat this and he looks at the facts and he says yes I can but I still have to take a shot and he shows them . They look at me and say I cant believe this why do they say Sugar Free or no added sugar , I say to charge more because it has 2 grams less of sugar then the regular one .


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It certainly is an eye opener once you DO realize the difference.  I have been on "diets" all of my life; from the old Diet Center, Atkins, Weight Watchers; all of them.  I have heard for years that "carbs change to sugar" once consumed; but really never looked at the labels until now.  I recently gave away ALL my boxes of  brand new unopened pastas.  The carbs per serving were over the top and I knew there wasn't anyway that I was using them. 

As I mentioned in another post since starting 2 weeks ago today I have reorganized my pantry and refrigerator.  My pantry shelves have a high carb, medium carb, low carb and zero carb section now.  Also did this in the refrigerator.  I am loving it.

One day with folks like all of you "they will get it"!
Look out Hawaii, I'm on my way!!

Doug Varrieur

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I tell people it's all about blood sugar. Blood sugar is what turns into fat. The next thing I say is, "we simply remove all the foods and beverages that turn into blood sugar from your intake and replace them with foods and beverages that don't".

That always opens up the question and answer session.  ;)

Keep The Faith, Stay The Course, Spread The Word on Facebook and Twitter  8)


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suzlyn454 - what a great way to organizes your pantry!  I am going to do this!