Today, I am 18 pounds down. 24 to go. Doesn't SOUND like alot, but, I have lost TONS of inches too!!! My family is puking jealous LOL even tho most of them are on the diet and CHEATING! And they wonder.... ...
Kudos on the 18 pound loss, eliruthy!!!
BTW, this is a lifestyle and NOT a diet.
If you adopt it as a way of life, you'll never have to worry about getting FAT!
However, if you reach goal and go back to your "old ways" (as dieters will do), before you know it, you'll be FAT again.
After we reach our goal weights, we get to reintroduce more carbs into our daily routines until we find that "sweet spot" of carb intake where we neither gain or lose. Another cool thing is, if we mess up and and gain a few pounds, we can quickly get back to goal weight.
FTS is truly the way to slim down and get healthier in the process!.. It's the BOMB!!!