Author Topic: Doug should have been a doctor!  (Read 4513 times)


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Doug should have been a doctor!
« on: March 04, 2010, 04:37:45 PM »
Dear Doug,

I am proud to be able to contribute in a small way to your efforts to enlighten people as to the true cause of weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, high-cholesterol and that thing called “metabolic syndrome”.  You should have been a doctor.  In many ways what you’re doing now will make a bigger impact on the country’s health than anything a doctor could dream of accomplishing.  I am so so pleased to have found a book that coincides with everything I have been telling my patients for years.  Now I can talk briefly with patients and hand them a book knowing that what is put forth in the text is everything I believe and transcends the stalled stale conversation of low carbs and exercise.  This is a seminal work that awakens us to what is all around us but yet invisible.  Like water to a fish we have been unable to see what has been in front of us all the time.  Water? What water I don’t see any water!  Sugar? What sugar? I don’t see any sugar! Unfortunately our bodies do see all the sugar and respond with obesity and “metabolic syndrome”.  This book is a must read for anyone interested in taking their health to the next level.   

Sincerely yours,

Dr Paul Cump, D.O.