Hey you guys!(Goonies, all time favorite:-)We have some friends of ours that live quite aways from us, he was like I'll cook for you, fish and pasta. Husband was like, I can't have pasta, he was like, I'll get the wheat pasta! Husband was like I can't have pasta to many carbs in it! The guy was like, oh you can have wheat pasta! Funny how people who aren't diabetics knows what's best! Gotta love it! But, kudos to the old man for standing his ground!
Also, it's so funny! I'm starting to notice "I actually have muscle in my thighs!" haha...My 17yr. old a while back, asked my husband what's that on the back of your leg? He's looking all around, like what?! and he pointed to the muscle! LoL...Always knew they were there, just never saw them! On either of us! and all this with no excersize! What more could you ask for??! Especially since, now, I'm starting to see the difference!