So I work in a medical office and our pharmaceutical reps are always bringing by pens, post it's, cool little things like that. Well I walk into the break room this morning and HOLY COW there were 2 boxes of gourmet cupcakes, a box of cookies, chocolate covered pecans, caramel covered pecans and a whole bunch of other stuff that's just sugar disguised as a pastry!! The rep says "merry christmas, i brought everyone presents!!" I said "uhhh... a coach purse would do much better!" LOL!!! I have a great working relationship with this particular rep (we always exchange what "diet" we are on this week) and I explained to him that I was cutting wayyyyyy back on my sugar intake and that I was no longer on a diet. So I told him all about the book and walked away with NO little sugar devils! YAY me!!! (wow... still can't believe I did that!!)