I agree with you, Doug, about the "want to." My "want to" came in the form of "MUST DO" or continue killing myself. I had a frightening wake up call when I was told that I not only have type 2 diabetes, but I have had it for quite some time and didn't know it. I began searching on the internet for information and talking to people that I work with and go to church with. I had no clue that so many people I know have diabetes. HOWEVER, not one of them (and I've been watching lately) has cut out the carbs and sugar completely. It's scary to think about what could be happening inside of a body in that situation. These same people told me about their mom or uncle or someone they personally know who died from diabetes complications. I have my moments of freaking out all over again when I think about the fact that I am 41 years old (as of yesterday) and if I don't get this taken care of, I will not have a good quality (or quantity) of life.
I want to live and be healthy to be around for my kids and eventually grandkids. It just really upsets me when someone tries to give me something, even when they say, "I know you're not supposed to have this, but you've got to try it..." I try to stay calm and explain to them that it's not a diet that I am on and that it's like trying to offer me poison because of what it does when it gets inside my body. Because of this, I have NOT ONCE since discovering the TRUTH been so tempted to eat poison that I gave in. I am praising GOD for this strength and resolve. It's the first time in my life that I feel like I really and truthfully will be able to do the right thing from now on and not turn back EVER.