I always look for and buy the heavy cream that lists it's carbs as zero. That being said though if you notice on the label it shows that the serving size is only 1 Tbs. Knowing how they are allowed to fudge (or round down) labels here in America with being able to say 0 on anything under 1 gram leads me to question if you were to have more than the 1 Tbs how many carbs are you really getting. When you look at the nal.usda web site
http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/52 it lists heavy whipping cream as having 6.64 carbs per cup.
This is why I always run my ingredients through nal.usda web site or my recipe program to get the true carb counts. Most folks don't realize even your spices you use have carbs in them. That is why always reading labels, portion sizes and moderation are always key in this lifestyle even if it is a 0 carb food.
Morgan I agree with Umpa....the coconut cream should do fine...just be sure to use the full fat kind. We can buy it here in the states in cans. If you Google dairy free and sugar free recipes I bet you can find tons. I'm interested in hearing how it comes out