... I noticed that today(my third day) I am very swollen and I think this from the increase in sodium from cheeses, deli meats and eggs. Did anybody else experience this?
Hi Albee!
No two of us are alike.
Some can eat TONS of salt, and not have any ill effects. Others, aren't so lucky.
Many deli meats are LOADED with sodium. So be careful.
Added salts, sugars, etc. are used to "enhance" the flavor of prepackaged food.
That's why we must be diligent "label readers".
Since you may be sensitive to increased sodium intake, when reading nutrition labels, pay attention to the sodium content per serving.
Another factor for the ladies is "time of month" (TOM).
That, along with added sodium, can cause uncomfortable water retention.
One thing most folks don't do is drink enough PLAIN water... At least 64 ounces per day.
Drinking water helps to remove excess water from our cells (i.e. bloating).
So avoiding salt and drinking plenty of water, should be a big help.