Author Topic: ready to give up  (Read 12332 times)


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ready to give up
« on: February 15, 2012, 03:49:29 PM »

I read this book a year ago and loved it. I was excited and lost 32 pounds. I still had another 52 to go, and got stuck for a long time. I had added walking each day 2 miles lost a few more than it just stopped too. I guess that's when I gave up a bit. So three weeks ago I started the Atkins which is pretty close to this one, ( so I thought) I did the induction plan lost almost 12 pounds in two weeks. the third week you can add things back I added low carb bread which is a net of 2 carbs per slice. I did have 2 slices first day of the third week and a total of 25 carbs. I gained two pounds. Then ext day close to the same I gained another two pounds back. Now I don't want to do this I think I am just never going to be able to do this. Sop last night I went out to eat probably had 100 carbs. Of course this morning I gained 2 more pounds. At least for those 2 pounds I deserved the weight gain. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions this is really my last attempt. I really don't want to be fat, but this yo -yo thing is heartbreaking and depressing.


Doug Varrieur

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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 04:07:11 PM »
Don't worry Jenn, we gotcha. Here's the deal, you, like me and many others simply have an incredible intolerance to carbs. You will need to stay under 20 per day, maybe even under 15 per day for the months to come. This isn't difficult to do nor is it a prison sentence it's simply reality. You are causing your own YoYo affect. Tell me, what's so darn important about bread....really?? Why can't you have your wraps in Romaine lettuce leaves. AND hwta kind of low carb bread are you eating? Many times manufactures LIE through their teeth on their labels. Julians bakery for example, they claim to bake and sell low carb bread but it's not true. 

By coming to this ministry you've opened the doors to the most loving, caring family you'll ever experience. We will pull you through.

#2- Get rid of all your other weight loss books
#3- Clean out your house....every food and beverage not FTS approved must go
#4- Post on this forum exactly what you're eating
#5- Read the posts on this board-
#6- accept the fact that this is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change based on true proven science
#7- accept the fact that COW FOOD is just that COW FOOD! Grains are OUT
#8- Believe in yourself  and the members of this family, today is is not the is the first day of the rest of your life.

Big Hugz from Doug  8)
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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 04:08:19 PM »
It is unfortunate that you are so discouraged.  There is a lot of support on this forum so welcome.  If you can give us some more specific information, folks will be able to tell what worked for them in the same scenario.  I know for sure that weighing yourself every day over-emphasizes the normal fluctuations in body weight.  The FTS carb limitation is no more than 20 carbs per day.  Your bread may be higher in carbs than you think and that could be sabotaging your efforts.

So, what are you eating and how much, exactly?  What are you drinking and how much?  How long was your plateau before you gave up?  It might have been a normal period for your body to adjust to the weight you had already lost.  Are you looking for a change in lifestyle or a diet?  There's a big difference between the two.  There's also a big difference between Atkins and FTS and hanging around the forum and asking questions will make that clear to you over time.

I wish you the best of luck.  


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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2012, 04:36:26 PM »
I am not able to clean out the house with foods I can't eat unfortunately. My husband wont accept that and I have two little girls who are very picky eaters. The three year old is autistic so I must get her the foods she will eat. So as far as that goes I can't. I am not looking for a diet I am looking for a lifestyle change. The bread that I was eating was from Julians bakery. The other bread I was eating before was the OLE Xtreme Wellness low carb tortillas net carb 5 each.  I do use lettuce as well for wraps and I do like it. I just wish I didn't like bread. I will reread the book, I guess stay off the scales for a couple weeks till I get back in track with your book.

Doug Varrieur

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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2012, 04:43:57 PM »
Time to be strong girlfriend, the Julians bakery bread was your downfall. Ole is a bit high....go find some Josephs Fax pitas ans use only 1/2 at a time.

Wall Mart carries them in many markets
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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2012, 04:58:47 PM »
Thank you :)

I haven't seen this product before, the lowest carb one I had found was the OLE at Walmart. Is there anyplace to low carb pancake or biscuit mixes? Again thank you all for your help



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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2012, 06:17:04 PM »
Hi Jen, I know that you can find mixes at   Dixie Diners carries different mixes; however, they can be kind of pricey for the amount you get.  The nice thing about FTS is all the recipes!  You can make your own pancake mix with the golden flaxseed meal or almond flour.    The one minute muffin is an absolute amazing little recipe.  I make everything from spice cakes, chocolate muffins, to hamburger buns.   I am so sorry that you are feeling down, but definitely give yourself time.  About the time I think I am stuck, I will drop several pounds at once.  You just have to commit to do this every day.  Once you really start enjoying all the wonderful replacements, I don't think you will feel deprived at all.   We are all here for YOU.   ;)

Doug Varrieur

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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2012, 06:40:14 PM »
Thank you :)

I haven't seen this product before, the lowest carb one I had found was the OLE at Walmart. Is there anyplace to low carb pancake or biscuit mixes? Again thank you all for your help


Jenn It's important for you to eat these items VERY RARELY. Right now it's Proteins, Greens and Fats. You need to walk away from the foods that will derail you until you're in full Ketosis and the scale is dropping everyday.
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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2012, 07:00:20 PM »
Jenn, I know your frustration! I am VERY intolerant to carbs and have to stay around 10 net carbs to do any good - and then it's iffy. My body is very protective of the fat it's stored. I decided I could forego breads, nuts and sweeteners until I lose the weight that I want to. It's not like I can NEVER have that stuff again - I just want to lose pounds more than I want to eat it. So once in a while I cave and have a Russell Stover sugar-free candy, or a One Minute Muffin.

You stick with these people and they'll get you to where you want to go. You won't find a more caring group!

I tried the Ole Xtreme tortillas, too, but the label is misleading - first ingredient is wheat flour. Wheat flour has lotsa carbs. We're going to make our own tortillas here that will have NO carbs - or at most 1. Stay tuned!

Carve out a little pantry space just for you and put your specialty foods there. When you put some of your FTS dishes on the table your family might just try it - they might be surprised to find that they like it. Macafoney and Cheese is most excellent. Just don't tell them what it is before they eat it.

I know how frustrated you are. It seems like you do everything right and it still doesn't work. But don't worry, Doug will put you straight.


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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2012, 07:41:44 PM »
Hi Jenn   Everyone has already given great advice here.  I just wanted to show my support.  You can do this!!  ;D   It's ok if you have to have other foods around.  You will just have to be strong and decide not to eat it.  You are in control.  I'm the only one who eats FTS in my I understand.  One of the best bets to help you stay strong is to come chat with us often.  We try to keep eachother straight and love to cheer eachother on.  We are here for ya  ;)


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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2012, 07:53:24 PM »
Thank you all for your support and suggestions. I will stay away from the breads even the low carb ones for now. I just figured a carb was a carb but it isn't I see. I know a the artificial sweetners were one of my downfalls last time. I do love love vegetables it just gets boring after a bit. I will have to learn to like to cook .
Thank you everyone :)



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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2012, 05:45:01 PM »
Hello Jenn. :)

I really do understand your frustration with YO-YO dieting. I spent a good part of my 60 years doing it.
Watching the scale go down for a time to only go up again (often higher than before) is truly heartbreaking.

I felt like a human balloon that had no control over the individual that was inflating me.
So for many years, I gave up on the thought of losing weight.
I resigned myself as being one of those "special people" Doug talks about in his book.

That is until July 2010 while I was watching the 700 Club one morning while enjoying my morning coffee.
Doug came on the program and showed how much hidden sugar was in everyday foods.
It made complete sense that I was FAT due to all the sugar I was unknowingly eating.

I ordered Doug's book the same day. And said a little prayer to the Lord that FTS would be the answer.
I heard a very small voice say; "It is... After all these years, why do you think you ordered THAT book?".

As I was adjusting to the new lifestyle, the typical pressures were on me to not stick with it.
One day not long after I started, I completely caved in and ate a mess of carbs at my in-laws house.
I posted that experience here. And received such warm understanding and help from my fellow FTS family members.
I thought, with all this support, how could I go wrong with FTS?

After that, I understood that I had to commit myself to it, or I was just wasting my time.
Like anything worth having, it required real effort to achieve REAL change in my life.

So Jenn, you must make an honest 100% commitment to changing your life for the better and healthier.
Anything short of that will only provide maybe temporary relief like those YO-YO diets of the past.

Always remember that we are all here for you and will help you in any way we can.
We DO understand and we DO care about YOU! :) :) :)

What you do today is what matters!

Doug Varrieur

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Re: Re: ready to give up
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2012, 08:51:30 PM »
All of us Love you right back Tony 8)
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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2012, 09:01:53 PM »
Thanks for the great post and don' t give up.  I'm rooting for you! :)


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Re: ready to give up
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2012, 08:44:26 AM »
If you are a quitter you can't be a loser!! :D :D :D