Thanks, Tony & Umpa.
The surgery went fine and I was home before noon. I've had this procedure before, with the exception of the ablation. This morning a friend of mine emailed and said she had the same thing done and told me she was in A LOT of pain afterwards. In away, that was a blessing she told me because my doctor just said I'd have some cramping. It wasn't until I was in pre-op that she mentioned it would be severe cramping. And it has been! I didn't expect this at all. It's like labor contractions that don't ease up at all. I've been in bed all day and it's hard to sleep even with my meds because of the pain. Hopefully, it will cease soon.
Even though my friend told me it was bad, she said she doesn't regret having it done at all because it's changed her life. Before we decided to add the ablation onto everything else, my doctor said we'd try this one more time and if it came back, then we'd probably end up doing a hysterectomy. Now she's saying people who have the ablations usually don't need the hysterectomy. I hope that's the case for me. I keep joking that some people grow vegetable gardens -- I grow polyps! Sigh!
Izzet -- Definitely get yourself checked out. My friend let hers go for too long and became severely anemic. At my last check-up, my doctor asked if I was at the tail end of my period. I said, "No. That's just all part of the fun and why I'm here!" Lucky me. Good luck to you, though, and I hope you can figure out what's going on.