Author Topic: Icky/weird stomach  (Read 10385 times)


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Icky/weird stomach
« on: April 22, 2012, 07:45:55 PM »

This is my first official post on these boards so this is an introduction and a question!

I've read Doug's book again (I've had it for about 2 years now) and I sure makes a lot of sense to me. He makes low carb much more accessible than many of the other low carb diets. Even the recipes don't look too difficult, especially for someone like me who is constantly putting food together as meals and always uses the microwave to cook everything (I hate to cook!)

I do have a question and I'm hoping you can help me. I've noticed something when I start low carbing. To be fair, the first time I did LC, I really botched it up and ate WAY too much food in general, especially protein. I gained weight. This time I'm going to do it right and count my carbs more carefully.

My question is this: I get this weird, icky feeling in my stomach after a low carb, high fat meal. For dinner tonight, I sauteed some scallops in butter and nuked some broccoli with cheese and some jalapenos (I like hot stuff) and ate them together. I added more butter to the scallops and the broccoli and I split the meal in two so I can have it again for dinner tomorrow. I'm not "hungry" right now, but my stomach feels kind of odd. Almost like its expecting a bunch of wheat products or something. It just feels unsettled. I took a pro-biotic and I'm hoping that will help.

I had this problem last time, plus I always felt a little on the hungry side. I'm guessing it's because I didn't eat enough fat, which I had been conditioned to avoid over the years of dieting. For the record, I'm 35, in relatively decent shape considering, and I have about 50 pounds to lose. Anyone who can shed light on this would be most appreciated. Thanks.


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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2012, 08:31:19 PM »
Hi Waterlilly! Welcome to the FTS forum family! I know what you mean about the weird stomach - mine kind of ached and was very uncomfortable when I was craving sugar. I would usually eat a sugar-free candy (Russell Stover - at Walmart), or maybe a handful of peanuts and it would go away. I didn't know if it was mental or physical, I just wanted it to stop! You're the only other person I've heard say that they feel the same thing. Thank you! It didn't take too long for that feeling to go away, and now I don't suffer from it.

I was on low/no-fat for years, too, and it was hard to let myself eat it, but now it's not too hard! I kind of feel naughty eating butter and heavy whipping cream, and even get surprised looks from my non-FTS friends. I don't gobble up all fats as I just don't like fat on my meat or like my food swimming in grease. If you stick with Doug's 20 carbs or less per day, you'll do fine!

Post often! This is the BEST place to get support and encouragement. Doug and Umpa have worked hard to give us replacements for the foods we don't eat anymore. Good stuff here!

Doug Varrieur

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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2012, 08:12:51 AM »
Welcome to the family waterlilly. How are you feeling today?
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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2012, 08:42:08 AM »
HiYa Waterlily  :) I am Umpa ,Dougs wife .Welcome to the forum. I have a column on the homepage called Ask  Umpa where I can convert your favorite foods to fat to skinny friendly.In the first two weeks while your body is detoxing you will feel flu like symptoms.Totally normal.After two weeks you should feel your energy level going through the roof! Try the  OMM you make it in the microwave and the bread will settle your tummy.Beware of too many sugar alcohols those will also cause you issues. ;)


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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2012, 09:44:21 AM »
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention the sugar alcohol issues. Oops! Malitol will gas you up or worse if you eat too much Rus. Stover sugar free candy! Last time I bought some the check-out lady said she had gotten some and eaten 7 pieces. I said uh-oh, gas and she said oh no, worse than that!

Tastes pretty good though.


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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2012, 10:37:34 AM »
Welcome aboard, Waterlily.  You didn't mention how long it has been since you cut the carbs our of your life.  If you are still in the first few weeks, you are most likely in detox.  Sugar and other carbs are addictive so withdrawl is likely to have some physical consequences.  That's what your stomach issues sound like.  Watch for changes as your body adjusts.

Come visit often.  There will be frustrations as you adapt your life, but we're here to answer questions and celebrate successes. 


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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2012, 08:04:02 PM »
Wow! Such awesome advice! I've been on another low carb board (which shall remain unnamed - ahem  8) ) and I never got this kind of support!  Let me see if I can cover everybody's great advice and info here....

Sarah -good to know!  Yes, this was my problem last time. Good advice about the peanuts or one piece of the SF candy. I can vouch for the nastiness that happens when you eat too much. Let's just say I wouldn't light a match in the room   :o

Doug - It's OK today but I ate a little over my regular carbs to stop it. I guess I freaked out. I will jump back on it.

Hi Umpa - I looked for your "ask Umpa" link and couldn't find it. I'm still exploring this site though and I know it's here somewhere.

Andrea - I am just in the first few days. I guess I expected this.  But another thing that Doug said which makes perfect sense is that eating enough and then allowing the body to use it's own fat stores to cover the difference is an excellent idea! I guess I'm going to have to feel icky for a while.

Another issue I had today was a low grade headache. I took some drugs and had a diet Pepsi and a full caff coffee, but even that didn't help. I finally ate a slice of 9 net carb WASA crisp. I did order the GG Bran Crispbread. They're waiting at the Post Office for me and I can pick them up tommorow!  ;D

So you're all saying keep going eh?  I must say that deep down, I KNOW that this is the way I need to eat. Like Doug, I too am one of the "special" people but that's OK. I will also soon be one of the "healthy" and possibly "size 4" people too! So if I have to be "special" to get there, that's OK by me!  :D


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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2012, 08:17:15 PM »
The Ask Umpa link is the first one under the Recipe Exchange topic:  It's where we all run when we need help. Umpa is the mad scientist of the family and knows everything about flours and baking. (Doug's just a chef, author and FTS expert.)  ;D


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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2012, 10:05:29 PM »
The headache is part of the detox, too.  That's why there wasn't an easy solution.  Think of it as an initiation.  Believe me, the future is bright and I haven't heard anyone with a detox that lasted longer than 2 weeks if they stayed the course. 

You'll realize when it's over.  You'll feel great, the cravings will be gone and you'll have lots of energy.

Be careful of your carb intake during detox.  If you use carbs to try to calm your symptoms, you might be prolonging the duration of your detox.


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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2012, 11:50:46 PM »

You will do great...just stay the corse and all will be well soon.  You are going to love the way you feel  ;)

Doug Varrieur

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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2012, 09:23:05 AM »
Waterlilly, it's important to stick to that under 20 carb rule and stay away from foods which can give you a blood sugar spike, this will just prolong the detox from sugar. The Wasa breads need to go.....Sit in the front yard and feed them to the birds :)

There's no doubt that this forum has an incredible group of loving caring members which I'm certain you will also become. We all believe in "paying it forward"

Gas you say from sugar alcohols? YEP!
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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2012, 09:40:26 AM »
OH MY!! :o :o
If you need help just ask Waterlily! ;)


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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2012, 12:58:59 PM »
Welcome to the family, Waterlilly!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

This forum is loaded with caring people who honestly want you to be successful.
We are the FTS family!
And we take care for other much like immediate family members do.

Sugar detox is the toughest part of this lifestyle change.
It requires patience and determination.
But once your body adjusts to low carb, you will feel fantastic with tons of energy!

Your sense of taste will also go through a transformation.
And those high carb poisons that tempt you now will not bother you near as much.
In fact, most of them will not taste good to you at all.

So hang in there!
We're all right here with you to help you along! :) :) :)

What you do today is what matters!


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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2012, 05:58:58 PM »
Wow again! Thanks for the support. I feel like you're all wearing sweaters with big letters on them as "Team FTS" and you're shaking pom pons! One of you just did a backflip! Cool!

OK, I think I get it. I will give the wasa to the geese because I don't like them (they're annoying and dirty and mean). With any luck, it will kill them because its wasa. HA!!   :D  (I do love animals and would never harm one of them. But I wouldn't mind making them sluggish like its made me).

Just got my GG Crispbread in the mail today. Crackers by's a first for me.

I think what I will do is set my third/fourth days on detox for a weekend. Now that I know the headache and other stuff is part of the deal, I will just go forward with it.  With any luck, what won't kill me will make me thinner. 

Thanks everyone! Nice discussion boards.


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Re: Icky/weird stomach
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2012, 06:06:10 PM »
Waterlilly, I just read this thread a few minutes ago and thought of you - wondering how you're doing by now. I'm not strong when it comes to pain or discomfort, so I have to find a way around ASAP. I'll pray that your detox goes quickly and you'll be enjoying all the great FTS foods. Drink a LOT of water and it will help your body flush out the toxins and you'll feel better faster.