... I found a great doctor who is a low carb advocate in his practice who explained why we get these symptoms. Based on his explanation, it IS true that low carb HEALS our bodies! I just need to stick out the detox. I'm bound and determined to do this.
What weird symptoms!
Hi Waterlilly!
I concur with Andrea... What you're describing is "sugar detox".
When we detox from carbs, drugs, or alcohol, our bodies are biochemically in a stage of revolt.
This is a "revolt" caused by the removal of the addictive substance.
In the midst of our carb addictions, we are damaging our bodies in a number of ways.
Detox is the precursor (or 1st step) our bodies take, healing from that addiction.
During that healing, the pounds of excess stored FAT leaves us.
A healthy biochemical balance is being restored.
And we find ourselves tapping into energy that we did not know we had.
I'm so happy to hear you have a doc who embraces the truth about weight gain.
Having a doctor like that will be very helpful in your FTS journey!