Author Topic: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends  (Read 10857 times)


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2012, 01:53:43 AM »
Reading all these posts is helping me prepare mentally for the next few weeks.  We will be traveling and I plan to see an old school friend I've known since the 6th grade.  Her and I have always had weight problems.  When I spoke to her recently about visiting she asked me if I was still fat and proceeded to tell me she could stand to lose 100 pounds...hmmm.  I wouldn't fathom to guess how much my friend weighs now if she feels she needs to lose that much but I replied to her that I still feel fat but that I have been doing FTS since last year.  I sent her a link to the forum, kind of a hint that I'm not eating everything I can get my hands on.  I wish I had kept the email she sent me where she scheduled our visit.  I can only remember that our first stop was the hometown donut shop for breakfast and Taco Tico (like Taco Bell) for lunch.  I am going to have to disappoint her somehow or be "not hungry".  These two places are old haunts from our high school days and I might like to "drive by" but they would never be my choice for dining now.  Of course if I say something I know I'll get that "one time won't hurt you" comment.  Thanks for giving me some ammunition for a response.
Look out Hawaii, I'm on my way!!


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2012, 05:28:44 AM »
May I suggest that you email or call her ahead of time and lay the ground work for your visit? You can tell her you would love to take a stroll down memory lane, but that you may not be partaking of some of the same old foods because you have adopted a new way of living thatno longer includes some of the foods that you used to eat. Let her know ahead of time and it may help you with your resolve, also.


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2012, 09:30:15 PM »
My best friend since we were both 13 and starting high school came to stay with me for the weekend.  She comes often but this time brought her husband.  My BF is a big big girl and had gastric banding a few years back (boy did I pray my way through that day - any op on a big person is a big deal and I was so worried).  She initially lost some weight but now stopped.   

I prepared the food; with only slight twist for me, we had the same food.  I was actually able to rid my freezer of frozen waffles and icecream which I served as dessert - I didn't feel the need at all to have any as it just does not appeal to me anymore - also rid of the chocolate I had hidden in the pantry so I wouldn't come across it.  Also made a sugarfree sponge cake with cream and choc 'frosting' which they scoffed without complaint.

As her husband tucked into his big bowl of brekki cereal, crumpets with jam, bacon and milk tea we were chatting about cholesterol (you are definitely getting older when you discuss that and meds over breakfast  :D :D) and the fact I was having bacon and egg for breakfast. 

My friend said when she was young, everyday she would have a poached egg for breakfast and she was skinny - I told her to go back to it.  Medical opinion has reversed their opinion on the cholesterol ramifications on eggs and I went on to say medical opinion is now changing their minds regarding fats in food - that our bodies know how to utilise fat - and that it is actually sugar that is causing the damage. 

The look of disbelief I got from - hmm - my BF told him I had given up sugar.  He went on to say about all the different food fads people go through.  He most definitely is in favour of the cereal and 'healthy' foods pyramid (ps - he has stacked on a bit of weight also) and that if medication is recommended by the doctor you take it.  I didn't even try to argue the point, maybe I should have, but if people are adamant should we bother?  My friend supports me and that's what matters.  It's my choice.

That's my 'vent' for the day.   :)


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2012, 09:55:21 PM »
Wow, Morgan, you did a great job with your friends!  Sowing seeds.  Some land on rocks, some on fertile ground.  You never know when or if they'll sprout, but you did your part.

I can tell you from experience that success is a wonderful advertisement and takes the wind out of the sails of the naysayers.  You'll be able to say, "It's worked for me, I feel great and my doctor loves the results."  I've been known to get in the last word with, "It's not for everyone, though, because you have to be willing to make a lifestyle change and not everyone can do that."

I'm glad that your friend was supportive.  You just might have hit fertile ground with her.


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2012, 11:32:03 AM »
My doctor's now a believer too since I lost so much weight.
And my friends... well let's just say that no one I know harps about the food pyramid with me anymore.

Nothing succeeds like success!... No one can argue with it! ;)
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2012, 11:47:44 AM »
No one can argue with it!

Oh how I wish that were true...LOL  How ever feeble of an attempt but they do try to argue it  :-\  i just find myself just walking away...LOL
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 11:55:45 AM by TooSweet »


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2012, 12:20:58 PM »
Hi Shawn! :)

If I encounter anyone that argues with my success, I give their remarks the attention they deserve... I IGNORE them! 8)

Some folks just insist on ignorance despite the truth.
Insisting on being correct, despite being obviously wrong, is a pride problem.
They think that they could NEVER be wrong and insist on demonstrating that to the world.

Bottom line... It's a great way to look very foolish!
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2012, 12:41:12 PM »
So true Tony  LOL

I'm a firm believer that if you argue with ignorance especially in front of others it quickly becomes difficult to tell the difference between the two of you  ;) 

Just walk away....walk away   ;D


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2012, 09:17:25 AM »
They just aren't as strong as you are.They don't want to give up the Sugar! ;)


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2012, 09:28:09 AM »
"It's not for everyone but it works for me."


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2012, 10:04:15 PM »
They just aren't as strong as you are.They don't want to give up the Sugar! ;)

Exactly. Some people get really freaky about that. Like when I told my Dad how low I was keeping my carbs, he freaked out. The freakin' doctor  >:( >:( >:( told him (kidney transplant he is) that he NEEDS 60 carbs per MEAL! And then my Dad said his insulin would drop too low because of the shots. Then I said yes, but the IDEA is to lower your carbs so your blood sugar doesn't zoom all over and then you don't NEED as much insulin!

There's a famous doctor who has had Type I most of his life and he controls it with his own LC regimine just fine. I'm lucky in that I haven't developed Type II but a few more years like this and I would be on my way. NOT going to happen!!


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2012, 12:26:36 PM »
Hi Waterlilly! :)

Most folks, like your dad, implicitly trust their doctors.
If someone did not, they would simply change providers.
So it's easy to understand that your dad would be very resistant because what you're telling him opposes what his doctor told him.

This is an example why we must NEVER stop spreading the truth about our low carb lifestyle.
The more attention it gets, the more doctors' minds will change as well... Mine did! :) :) :)
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2012, 01:27:46 PM »
Water lily the doctor told Tyler to eat 75 carbs per meal he had to take a lot of insulin and he would go high afte 2 hours of eating then go low 5-6 hours after he ate  his A1C was 8-9 and he was a little butterball at 10 years old I started researching low carbs for type 1 diabetic children and ran up on one of Doug's videos on you tube . Now since we have found FTS  the last 2 A1C were 6.1 ,that's very good for a type 1 teenager . We go back in 2 weeks hope it is the same or better because he has cut back carbs even more the last few months .

Tell low carb is much better for his blood sugar less carbs less insulin less blood sugar spikes and lows .

You can have excuses or results you cant have both !


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2012, 09:01:30 AM »
If your friend can't walk the walk with you... she shouldn't try to throw herself in the path of your success. Keep your chin up and a smile on your face. The long run will be worth it! *hugs* I have been pretty quiet about my lifestyle change around most of the people in my life... outside of my home. But it's funny because I will announce to anyone on the street about what I am up to. I am just letting the results speak for themselves... your friend will be seeing more and more of a happier healthier Morgan, and will have to confront her own issues soon... if she isn't already.  ;)


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Re: A Minor Rant Against 'Supportive' Friends
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2012, 03:47:53 PM »
I have also had such experiences. My previous attempts at diet control failed because of some negative people around. In the end I have decided to take control of things. I realised they are not actually friends. Most of my hobbies are outdoors like wildlife photography. One real friend told me Sumeet (thats my name) your happiness will not be enhanced by more money you make but by getting fitter. That is when I got serious. Tell such negative friends that you are not available for a year. Ask them if they want you to die young or have heart problems or BP etc. Tell them that if they really are friends then they should support you. I now go out with friends who will stop me if I try to cheat. You have to take tough decisions.
I need to lose just 30 pounds more. I keep myself motivated by visualising what lies beyond the three months it should take. A slimmer, fitter, more attractive me. Thats what keeps me going. Though I just started under a month back.
All the best friend.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 03:55:51 PM by fineman »