Author Topic: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?  (Read 6176 times)


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I have a question <raises hand>.  It seems my sense of fullness is jacked up. What I mean by that is that I can have a lovely FTS breakfast with two eggs, 3 slices of canadian bacon, cheese melted on the eggs, and 2 tbsps of pico de gallo, plus a cup of coffee w/ a tbsp of coconut oil melted in. Good breakfast right? Well, let's say I eat that at 6am. About 10:30, my auto programming kicks in. I SHOULD not be thinking about any type of food. Instead, I start thinking "what will I have for lunch?"

This is OLD programming. Like the "out of the way" visits for a sugar fix at whatever gas station/ice cream parlor that used to drive me, I am SO USED to having this grumbling in my stomach 3 hours after breakfast that Its like I'm expecting.

LOTS of old, bad programming here.

Any suggestions for how to live a different, LC life? Oh what freedom can come from NOT being hungry and NOT thinking about food until the appropriate times! To be "normal" among the carb mongers would be just fantastic. (and before you think I"m being mean, I personally KNOW people who I swear consume 400 carbs/day or more and are THIN! I work with someone who once ate a perogi sandwich: potato stuffed in a dough shell, deep fried and served between 2 pieces of rye bread with french fries on the side! :o :o :o)

This "special person" persona is a very new identity for me.


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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2012, 08:25:53 PM »
When you first start thinking about 'what's for lunch?' drink a big glass of water. When you're really hungry, you'll know it's time to eat because the water won't do it for you.


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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2012, 09:32:55 PM »
Sarah is right on here  ;)  This is what I do for myself.  It's hard to break that habit of thought.  I always ask myself though if I am really hungry or not.   Most times not.... Another thing that helps is to always have my meals planned out.  That frees my mind up somehow because I no longer have to ask that question of what should I have...LOL 


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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2012, 03:47:19 AM »
Those are both excellent ideas -- and the first one I'm going to do right away -- the glass of water when I think "what do I want to eat?" 

The second one, I need to plan ahead more......this should help. 


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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2012, 07:36:03 AM »
Yes! Agree, both excellent ideas! Water is something I"m getting used to. Yet another abuse that I foistered upon myself is the years of drinking LOTS of diet pop because I could have so little food (calories in vs. calories out theory). I LOVE that idea!

The meal planning is pretty awesome too. I sort of did that with my lunches because I don't like making them every night for the next day. But planning for them with the carbs and portions all set....hey, hey, no worries there!

I would like to get a system for breakfasts and dinners too, so I have the stuff on hand and know what's there, how much, and how many carbs. I'm a creature of habit anyway and I mostly eat the same general stuff all the time, partly because I don't like to cook but partly because I like the stuff.

FTS has me SERIOUSLY looking at old habits and ways of living that just didn't serve me for the longest time. It's rather powerful.

P.S. I hope someday that this post and the good replies attached to it will help a newcomer with an issue. Then I can tell people "Oh, I do this and I'm a size 4. Booyah!" ;D

Doug Varrieur

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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2012, 08:29:39 AM »
Waterlilly this post will certainly help others...question, when you start thinking about what's for lunch are you hungry? I mean stomach growl hungry or is it a clock thing? If you really are hungry eat a bit of cheese along with that water, the fat in the cheese will stop hunger in it's tracks, just go slow and don't over do it. If it's the clock i would suggest you time an event each day to keep you busy on another For instance it could be that every day at 10am you drop everything you're doing and go up and down the stairs 30 times or go for a walk break. This can be accomplished even at one's work place. A 15 minute break that you start to look forward to each day. This will release endorphins and squelch hunger.  8)   
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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2012, 08:39:01 AM »
Are you really hungry when you are eating your breakfast early in the morning or is that a habit?  We're all different but I don't eat breakfast until 9ish every morning.  I'm just not hungry when I first get up.  I've been at my desk for at least 3 hours before I eat.  It is something else to consider.  Also remember, each meal should be eaten slowly so that your brain can catch up with your stomach. 

You are asking all the right questions so keep up good work and have a glass of water on me. 


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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2012, 06:50:29 PM »
Andrea & Doug - You both present some good ideas. I have no idea if I'm eating breakfast because I'm hungry or because its habit. I like to work out in the morning (nothing too intense) and all those years of bodybuilding/fitness magazines have said things like "yes, workout on a empty stomach!" or "no, don't workout on an empty stomach becuase you'll lower your metabolic rate for the day/blood sugar will tank". It's the old programming.

I'll bet you 4 glasses of water that that type of thinking is ONLY valid with higher carb diets.'ve given me much to ponder.

Andrea....cheers!  :D

Doug Varrieur

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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2012, 09:56:13 AM »
It's real easy...only eat if you're truly hungry  ;)
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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2012, 01:37:04 PM »
The concept is easy but it's okay to struggle with what hungry means for you.  I think that's your basic struggle right now but it is very fundamental to this lifestyle so, in addition to getting to the end of a semester, that's your homework.  You have a busy life and that will probably complicate the process because being distracted can mask your hunger, but I'm confident you can do it.

As much as possible, put all those past messages out of mind.  You already know they are all over the map.  Doug has refined what you need to know for this plan.


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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2012, 01:45:17 PM »
Hi Waterlilly! :)

There's an old adage that states the simplest solutions are most often the best solutions.

Remember that when you're tempted to over-think your FTS lifestyle.
That "old programming" will go away by itself.
So just relax and enjoy the ride! ;)
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2012, 09:38:37 AM »
  I think that's your basic struggle right now but it is very fundamental to this lifestyle so, in addition to getting to the end of a semester, that's your homework.  You have a busy life and that will probably complicate the process because being distracted can mask your hunger, but I'm confident you can do it.

As much as possible, put all those past messages out of mind.  You already know they are all over the map.  Doug has refined what you need to know for this plan.

Yes ma'am. <salutes>. I now have homework. Story of my life!!  :D :D :D :D :D :D

No, really, I get it. And I have started focusing on this more. Yesterday, I ate breakfast at 8:30 and decided to wait until I got hungry. I got until about 2:30 and had some nuts because I knew I was going out to dinner for steak. Pretty amazing!

I am trying to put myself on a normal schedule so I can figure out what works for me. Its funny but this diet has asked me to make OTHER areas of my life better!!!  Amazing, powerful stuff!


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Re: FEAR of hunger and/or hypoglcemia - Why am I so messed up?
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2012, 09:39:55 AM »
Hi Waterlilly! :)

There's an old adage that states the simplest solutions are most often the best solutions.

Remember that when you're tempted to over-think your FTS lifestyle.
That "old programming" will go away by itself.
So just relax and enjoy the ride! ;)

I admit it. I am overthinking. I will work hard to NOT do this. See, like you said, it's "old programming"and I had no idea how much it had affected me over the years.

Man, this simplicity is good stuff!!! ;)