I'm going to try tortillas one more time. Or maybe two more times. If you tell me what you used, I won't waste the same ingredients...
You know how dinners evolve - I cooked steaks instead of pizza when it occurred to me that my friends get regular pizza all the time. To go with the steaks, I cut zucchini and yellow squash in half lengthwise, then sliced them in 1/8 - 3/16 inch slices, then I put them in a sprayed dish, alternating zuch and yellow, then sprinkled bacon bits on them, making sure some bacon got between the slices, then sprinkled grated cheese all over it. Covered the dish and put it in the oven at 350. I cooked it for an hour, which was a bit too much - next time i'll only bake it for 30-45 minutes. Even over-cooked, it was a lovely dish. We had sliced tomatoes, avocados and cucumbers for a salad and a mini-strawberry crepe for dessert. They were just right to top off the dinner.