Welcome to the family, Elizabeth!!!
Umpa's so right, Elizabeth!
I also suggest you get second opinions.
It would be a good idea to find another primary care provider that believes drugs and surgeries are the "last resort" and not the first refuge.
Doctors, friends, and relatives, by and large mean well with their advice.
FTS provides you an opportunity to change all that by changing YOU without the dangers of surgery!
And the other health benefits of eating low carb are so worth it!
Such as normal blood sugar, normal blood pressure, good cholesterol numbers, greatly reduced cancer risk, etc., etc..
This lifestyle really does work!
Mainly because we eat so well and have replaced those "high sugar" things with low carb choices that taste better than the originals.
After you've been living FTS for a short time (usually within a couple weeks) cravings for high carb items goes away.
In fact, most of us find the high carb foods we used to love, quite distasteful.
Most of them seem too sweet or yucky from the starch content.
So now that you've made the decision to live the FTS way, we'll be here to support you in any way we can!
And all this support is 100% FREE!!!
Please join our conversations often.
You'll be surprised at how much more you'll learn by participating!