Author Topic: Stallllllllll  (Read 9622 times)


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« on: June 27, 2012, 10:53:16 PM »
 >:( It makes me very cranky to stall. I have been at this weight for over three weeks ( I only weigh once a week). I can't possibly drink more water or have a much lower carb intake. Could it be a Calorie issue? I have been a on a Diet Rootbeer with a splash of cream bender. Surely that couldn't make me stall this badly, right?? Oh, and I think Breyers and their "Carb Smart" ice cream bars might just be evil. 12 sugar alcohols. I think the one I ate might have messed with me. Maybe I am just chasing phantoms... who knows? I have missed a few days of walking due to rain though. Maybe??
 Please do the "LBS (we pronouce that "lubs" here) Be Gone" dance for me. I literally sneered at my scale today. It's summer break and the kids are afraid a crazy lady snap could be pending. On the bright side, I can paint my own toenails now...without painting my toes.  ;D
Thanks for listening. <3


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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2012, 11:06:31 PM »
I can paint my own toenails now...without painting my toes
Too funny!!  LOL  Oh the blessings we can find in everyday living  ;D

You might want to back off on the sweets and see what happens.  Your body might be just catching up with the changes though.  And I think you may be right..."Carb Smart" ice cream bars are very evil  :D


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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 08:13:55 AM »
And they don't sell just one, you have to buy the whole box and when you hide it in the back of the freezer, no one else eats them and you have to do it all by yourself!

Suzanne, you are doing great.  If you haven't taken measurements, you should do that because you are probably shrinking while your body adjusts to the weight it's lost.  Think of this plateau (a better word than stall) as a chance for your skin to shrink and your pants to loosen. 

And, stay away from sugar alcohols as much as you can. 


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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2012, 09:58:48 AM »
 :D You crack me up! All will be well I promise.When I want ice cream I make my own,that way I can control the carbs and get what I want.Too many sugar alcohols do cause some people to stall. I paint my toenails fire engine red! The name of the polish is "sugar" :D :D :D

Doug Varrieur

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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2012, 10:11:13 AM »
Suz, if you go back to the book you'll find the FIRST thing to go during a stall is all sugar alcohols. Start there then check your portion control. You're shrinking so you need less food  ;)
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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2012, 02:19:39 PM »
Hi SuzanneT! :)

Despite living the FTS rules faithfully, I was "stalled" for a bit over 3 months! :o
Then suddenly the other day, the scale started moving down again.

After the first month, I was starting to get annoyed.
But then realized, no matter what, I was NEVER going back to eating like I did before!
So I asked myself; "Why be annoyed?". :-\
I'm healthier now than I've been in decades. I would not trade that for anything!

In my FTS journey, I've learned to keep the scale in perspective.
It sits on the floor and gets that level of priority in my life.

You're doing wonderfully, Suzanne!
Don't let that stupid box on the floor bother you.
Just continue to enjoy the benefits of your new life (like toenail painting) and keep smiling! ;D

« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 02:21:17 PM by mouseissue »
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2012, 09:05:01 PM »
Thanks Guys! *hugs*
3 months?  :o Wow! Kind of puts things into perspective. I will try to relax.
 I remember reading here ( I am paraphrasing of course)  that stall times are when your body eats it's bat flaps... lol... that thought alone has been very sustaining. And for the record... the toes are painted "Ruby Slipper".  ;)


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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2012, 08:00:56 AM »
I knew you were a red girl!! :D
Well said Tony! ;)


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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2012, 08:21:10 PM »
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and will power vibes... I will be visiting my father's family in Alabama for the next five days. They show their love through food...and there is a lot of love there. My Grandmother was my size and died before she hit sixty... and they think the similarity in our appearance and size is endearing.  :o  They know all my weaknesses and are prepared to take me on. I am not exaggerating either. They have ordered my favorite cake, red hot pickles, blackberry cobbler, fig preserves. I have told them I am off of flour and sugar. My Aunt actually told me that the pickles which are MADE with candy and tons of sugar...don't have that much sugar in them. (really?!?!) The woman serves baked cheese with a sugary fruit preserves on top. I have to go. My eldest Aunt is 95 and has taken a bad turn health-wise and I don't want to miss a moment with her... but how do I tell her no? She is the sweetest most amazing person I have ever known and she literally puts the food in your mouth and gets her feelings hurt of you don't eat with her. (My husband does the same thing, but has backed off in recent weeks) Why do people want to feed me when I am OBVIOUSLY unhealthy because of too much food?
Sorry for ANOTHER rant... I am just really nervous.
Group Hug Anyone?


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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2012, 08:39:17 PM »
Count me in the group hug. 
My family are Polish and food is - what can I say - 'family'.  You can't have one without the other.  Try to pick out the least likely food to offend.  I found if I make something in the dessert line, I can actually have some dessert (usually cheesecake).  They all love cheesecake. 
Mum is usually pretty good and includes a roast something along with all the other stuff - though she didn't last time - through me for a loop! 
They will probably all be watching and trying to put food literally on your plate. 
I'm not a really assertive person (silly me - I hate to offend people) and will not take a stand if it is not necessary. Not only do I hate to offend people, I hate to make a scene over nothing.
You could plan stategy - put food on your plate, play with it and spread it out to make it look like your eating  :D, or shovel into a napkin when no one looking  :D or b so busy helping load everyone else's plate you don't have time to eat.
If all else fails - smile, say thank you, then turn to your husband and say "try this dear, it's fantastic and pile it from  your plate to his (what are husbands for if not this). 
I'm sure you will do great.  Don't stress.  Enjoy your family.


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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2012, 10:52:38 PM »
I just came back from a family reunion. It was a food rest, like you have described, Suzanne.  The amazing thing is that when my family saw the changes in me, they suddenly were supportive of my FTS life style.  Many of them asked me questions about how I have made such healthy changes in my life. It ended up not being the problem I thought it might have been. 


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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2012, 10:54:05 PM »
If all else fails - smile, say thank you, then turn to your husband and say "try this dear, it's fantastic and pile it from  your plate to his (what are husbands for if not this). 
I'm sure you will do great.  Don't stress.  Enjoy your family.

  That is genius Morgan!!   Hubby to the rescue!!  ;D ;D 

Hugs to you Suzzanne  ;)  Don't stress so much about it.  Morgan is right you should just enjoy your family.   Besides with FTS you know just what to do to bounce back if you do have not offend.  But I bet everyone will be so pleased at your progress that maybe they wont push the issue.   Rather than the bite of food tell them that you would rather have a hug  ;) ;)  it's much sweeter

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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2012, 08:36:59 AM »
Suz, the best suggestion I have for you is to cook a few recipes of your own and share with your family...2 things will happen, #1- you'll have something to eat #2- your family will experience new tastes and flavors :) Big Hug!
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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2012, 01:54:52 PM »
Hugs from me too, Suzanne! :) :) :)

I'm purebred Polish. So I know EXACTLY what you (and Morgan) are talking about.
Food is central in the Polish culture.

My mom was just like your eldest Aunt.
At my college graduation, she decided to hold a "traditional" Polish celebration like those held for weddings and other big events.
That was three full days (and nights) of eating and drinking! :o :o :o

If I did not eat EVERYTHING she put in front of me, she thought I had to be sick or I did not like her food.
Either way, she'd be quite unhappy.
But if she could see me now, I know she'd be supportive and understand.

By all means, bring some yummy FTS replacements along with you to share.
You'd be surprised at the positive feedback especially if you don't tell them it's FTS. ;)
What you do today is what matters!


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Re: Stallllllllll
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2012, 09:55:48 AM »
Here's a big hug from me too!!   :)