Author Topic: I think I gave up on FTS too soon...."lessons learned" from a LC dropout  (Read 7067 times)


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About three months ago, I was really active on these boards. Then one day after about 3 weeks on FTS and some whining on how I can't "be like everybody else and eat garbage and look great (not that there are many people who can do this)" , I thought "eh, I"m not really seeing great progress ON THE SCALE (damn those numbers) and I NEED carbs, right? I'll just go back to carbs because it raises my serotonin". This, of course, DESPITE the fact that I was actually feeling fine on >20 carbs per day and had a system going. Shortly after I started FTS, I had THREE people tell me "you look thinner". Instead of TRUSTING the system and letting appetite control take over (very scary with my years of dieting/ways of thinking) I freaked out and decided it would be much better to just be able to buy my Lean Cuisines and just "watch my calories".

So, I tried counting calories and that didn't work (and counting numbers like that drives me freaking INSANE! It kind of made me feel like eating was a full time job with reports to file). Then, I tried another program which said "eat only up to 120 total carbs per day but keep all sugars (even fruit sugars) to no more than 15 grams per day, and divide that by no more than 40c and 5s per meal". Wow. MORE MATH.  Didn't work either.

Then I started reading "Wheat Belly" (a must read for every LC advocate) and I knew I had heard some of this before. Doug has often compared two slices of "whole grain" bread to many teaspoons of sugar!! While the book goes into some of the medical aspects, I see that FTS puts them into specific practice. It makes sense why so many people would be successful on FTS.

So, I'm going to try again but with a new attitude. NO "healthy whole grains" even if the package says it's low carb. I'm also going to stop fighting the appetite control and NOT EAT if I'm NOT HUNGRY (revolutionary, I know). I think I just need to let the magic of a LC, FTS, wheat free diet unfold. People were telling me "you look thinner" even though I hadn't seen much of a scale drop, so I think I was on to something. This time, I'm going to give it TIME to work instead of giving up after 3 weeks. It's a whole new way of thinking!!

And for the record,I am majorly TICKED  >:( at the propaganda I see that says things like "whole grains are healthy" , "you must have balance", "calories in, calories out", "buy this super intense work out system for the body of your dreams!" or "buy these drugs and make your symptoms go away!".  It sometimes makes me second guess myself. But NOT ANY MORE  ;D.  Thanks for this wonderful resource! I am recommitted.


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You know, I think EVERYONE should read this. I think we all have those moments of doubt and we should talk about it. I had actually been wavering when my Hubby brought home Panera breads and goodies, or when I was on vaca earlier this week. I hadn't taken that step yet. My voice of reason and loving the feel of my getting ever looser new size 18s kept me in check. Now with THIS... it's just what I needed to hear. It's good to know I am not alone and that everyone has doubts from time to time. I am so glad you are back!  :D


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Awww, thanks Suzanne! I'm happy my FTS manifesto helped you. It's nice to hear that I'm not the only one. Hopefully, I have new information from my lessons learned that I will apply because I know what it's like on the other side.

For the record, I really don't like Panera because being around all that bread makes me uncomfortable!!  The rolls gawk at me and the baked goods are creepy....


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You are so right! I have two particularly creepy cherry danishes gawking from my kitchen counter right now.  :o Evil things! lol


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Welcome home Waterlilly   ;)   It's hard to disprove the science behind Fat to Skinny isn't it.   I for one am so grateful to Doug for explaining it so simply.


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Welcome home, Waterlilly!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

When you started FTS, I remember you "over thinking" it and making the experience difficult on yourself rather than pleasurable.
This time around, just follow the simple FTS rules, and you WILL lose the weight you desire before you know it!

The FTS lifestyle is now a part of your life.
Life is a short term proposition and it should not be wasted with worry and stress.

So enjoy your FTS journey!... We're all still right here for you! ;)

What you do today is what matters!


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Hi Waterlily.  Don't worry about yesterday - it's gone.  Treat each day as new with its own challenges. 
You are not the only one who wonders if this is the way to go because sometimes (nearly all times) it's so much easier to go with the flow and the old habits.  Now you know better and it will get easier  :D


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Thank you everyone! Feels good to be back!

Mouseissue - you have a GOOD memory!  :o  Yes, I was very much overthinking. In fact, I'm looking for a new job (one of my motivators for jumping back into this lifestyle - need to feel/look good for a new career path!) and I will mention "overthinking" as one of my weaknesses. I'm pretty good at it.

That old programming is still SO annoying! I've counted points, earned points, lost points, and bartered for points, counted minutes, miles, workout days, repetitions, ounces, pounds, tablespoons, teaspoons, and on and on.... time to jettison that old way of thinking.

All I know now is the number "20" and how I FEEL about what I am eating (crazy, I know!). I'm also staring at another number: "4". That's the size of the jeans I would like to wear someday.  ;D I think if I stay focused on the numbers "20" and "4" I will hit goal.  And just so you guys know, I've been thinking about you for the past month or so. You crept back into my brain because originally, this was a good idea!! Yes, FTS has been haunting me for about the past 3 years or so, ever since I saw Doug's book at Barnes and Noble and thought "hmmm, some good ideas here". Sometimes I can be a slow learner. Feels good to be back!   :)


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Waterlily we missed you ! :) Welcome back!


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Glad to have you back! FTS is the only thing that has ever worked long term for me.  I gets easier as you go!  We are all here for you.  :)

Doug Varrieur

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It happens, no worries lilly, just re-read the book, follow the very simple rules and be sure to stay away from grains.

Here's the result of eating grains  :o
Keep The Faith, Stay The Course, Spread The Word on Facebook and Twitter  8)


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It happens, no worries lilly, just re-read the book, follow the very simple rules and be sure to stay away from grains.

Here's the result of eating grains  :o

OMG Doug, yes! What is it you say? Meat and greens lean, wheat and something, large? This time, I'm not even messing with the supposed "low carb bread". Your pic gives me an idea. Every time I walk by the bread aisle, I will refer to it as "Cattle feed".  For a while there, I looked at some  of the trendy ways of eating like "Paleo" blah blah and I find your plan is by far the easiest.  I can only imagine how easy this program is for kids (which is great).

Thanks to everybody else who replied most recently!  ;D

This morning, I ate my GG crispbread w/ cream cheese and some bacon, had some coconut oil in my coffee, wrote down "4" carbs on my dry erase board in the kitchen, and that's it. Oh, and I'm stuffed right now and my hand doesn't itch like it does after consuming wheat. Simple and easy and feels good. Aaaahhhhhhhh   :) :) :) :) :)


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You are too cute Waterlily :)


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I didn't go near a computer all weekend so I missed your re-entry, Waterlily.  I think your "lay-off" was part of your process.  I'm glad to have you back in the fold.  I think you need to give yourself a break.

Welcome back!