Author Topic: My Roller Coaster day  (Read 1951 times)


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My Roller Coaster day
« on: September 05, 2012, 05:35:14 PM »
Hi All,

Well I'm into day #2. I woke up before the alarm this morning and felt well rested ( that usually doesn't happen and snooze gets hit once or twice lol) I know we aren't supposed to weigh ourselves every day but after reading other posts and seeing that people have lost weight daily curiousity got the best of me. As of this morning I'm down 2.4 pounds from yesterday is that normal? I got on and off the scale 3 times just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I won't be weighing myself every day but will be joining TOPS next week and will be weighed in on a weekly basis and only at meetings. So today started off great or so I thought. I got to work and after about 2 hours the headache started creeping in so I drank more water then I felt almost spaced out like i was in a bubble so i decided to chew a piece of sugar free gum which kinda helped. I ate my lunch and that feeling went away but I still have the headache. Other then that though I managed to eat what I brought for lunch and stick to my plan even though there were moments of temptation I stayed strong. Please I can tell you that piece of sugar candy is so not worth the work and the detox symptoms I've went threw the last two days lol I won't be going threw sugar detox again once this is done. Well that was my day I hope all you had a nice day too. :)


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Re: My Roller Coaster day
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 08:32:05 PM »
You are doing so great!!  You are so right....that sugar candy isn't worth the detox is it   ;D  Keep up the great work will be through it before you know it  ;)  I found myself snacking on 0 carb things a lot through out my detox.  It kinda helped get me through the yucky feeling and I didn't feel like I was hurting myself too bad.  Don't forget to take your measurements.  Those will change quickly even when the scale isn't moving  :)


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Re: My Roller Coaster day
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2012, 09:15:04 AM »
TooSweet is correct ;)
Flu like symptom and headaches are normal.Your body is detoxing like from drugs,nicotine or alcohol.So you will have the same symptoms.Sugar is a drug.It releases dopamine .Once you go through detox your energy level will go through the roof! Lots of water!Peanut butter helped me with the headaches but everyone is different ;)


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Re: My Roller Coaster day
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 10:24:50 AM »
You are doing so great!  Yes, in the beginning, you can see days where the scale is that much lower.  It doesn't always happen, but it seems to be God's way of showing you that you're on the right path. 

Keep up the good work and keep some cheese sticks handy to help you through this rough patch.


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Re: My Roller Coaster day
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 11:13:05 AM »
You know what....the detox is EXACTLY why I don't just say "screw it" some days and have a box of Hot Tamales!! It's not worth the WEEK or so of hell it takes to get back on track. It's SO much easier to say no to the stuff after you've been off it a while. The cravings do still come at you but not nearly as strong and insistent as those first couple of weeks. They are TOUGH but if you stay strong you'll make it over the hump and you'll be SO happy you did!