Hi Morgan!
Most of us here have used "food" to help us cope with emotions like boredom, sadness, fear, etc..
In effect, we've unsuccessfully been using food like a drug.
This is why we can consider ourselves "carb/sugar addicts".
The connection between food and emotion is ENTIRELY psychological.
It's been reinforced in our minds over many years of our lives.
As an example, I can remember eating out of boredom only to find myself stuffed AND bored.
Like Umpa said, food is simply fuel and no more... It can be NO more!
The toughest part of FTS for most of us is (or was) breaking the "food" and "emotion" connection.
But by sticking to it and rewarding yourself with non-food rewards along your journey, you CAN and WILL break it.
If you allow yourself to stick with FTS, it's only a matter of time before you overcome that connection.
Thank you for letting us know about the challenge your facing.
You're not alone!... We're here for you every step of the way!