Hello TooSweet (love the name!)... that cake is gorgeous, and guilt-free to boot. Can't beat that! Really beautiful job decorating, too. Kudos to you! I only do cakes for friends these days, but I made a Minecraft this past weekend for my son's 11th, I'll attach a pic. Mine is decidedly NOT FTS friendly.
I have to admit, I've been a complete snob about sugar (especially in baking) and I've never even attempted to adjust my recipes to be sugar-free. I'm totally that person that rolled their eyes at diet drinks and artificial sweeteners. But, all I have to do is look in the mirror to realize my current mindset isn't really workin' out for me.
I'm happy to report that I ate sugar free strawberry jello with sugar free whipped cream after dinner tonight and I didn't gag/die! Yay! It was better than I thought it would be.
I'm going to be working ground-up on developing sugar free recipes to be sure! I can't wait to check out the baking recipes on here.
By the way, I'm completely with you about the popcorn... omg it's my favorite food in the whole world (with butter and salt, of course). It's why I go (went?) to the movies!
Thank you for the warm welcome, I hope to be spending lots of time in here!