Hi Jay -- nice to meatcha....(extending hand for handshake)....you are so right, and I did just that about putting aside all the other plans....in fact tonight I'm cleaning out some stuff in my bedroom and finding the paleo books and downloaded stuff, etc., and just put the books and stuff from any other plan into a box and out to the garage.....while they are fun to listen to and inspiring about the low carb lifestyle in general, I'm not really paying that much attention to their detals, and just concentrating on FTS WOE.
In fact, I had heard enough of them i had started listening to theology stuff instead
for now I find that more interesting....or music.
Also, I'm not really using condiments like I was before...condiments are just a "high carb mine field!!"
Well, off the computer and back to cleaning this room.....I'm finding stuff in here that I'm cleaning out (found some candy and candy wrappers from a while back in my night stand drawer etc.) and I find that FTS is a comparison of cleaning this room in that FTS is helping me clean out old bad habits.
Anyway, back to my chores.....hoping you are all well and blessed....