Author Topic: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing  (Read 11054 times)


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newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« on: April 10, 2013, 10:16:11 PM »

hi, my name is Angela...i am new to fts....i am a carb lover...sigh. however i have decided to lose 80 lbs. i had our last child 1.5 yrs ago...#7...and i'm never having anymore..thank i have started going to the gym and doing cardio and weight lifting 3/4 days a week. however i read that you shouldnt do a low carb diet/lifestyle while weightlifting , it would make you lose lean muscle, and you wouldnt have enough energy to workout.
could this be true? i have been trying to do a low carb version  of my own but apparently its now low enough as i'm not losing anything. i have been going to the gym for a month and actually gained 5 lbs...grrr!!!
i am 40 yrs old, in menapause, have adrenal insufficiency and have to take steroids daily to stay alive......i need support, easy, fast recipes as i  hate to cook, and i'd like to make friends with others who are low carbing,,my daughter and i both are as she has the age of 19:(
thanks so much for my vent.....i cant wait to lose my fat self and find my skinny self as i have never been skinny... :D
o and i am hoping to be able to find any responses to this post


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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2013, 01:39:36 AM »
Hello and welcome angela. 7 children - I am amazed - I had 3 and ocassionally thought 4 might be good, I never got around to it.  I'm surprised you're not worn to the bone and thin as a stick running behind all those little ones (bigger now I presume  :D thank goodness  :D).  The gain of 5lbs is probably muscle.  We all low carb around here and everyone seems to have heaps of energy, so I don't know why you wouldn't have enough energy for a workout.  Providing you are not overdoing it.  Menopause is such a wonderful thing is it not? (yeah right). 

If you look in the recipe section you will find absolutely heaps of easy fast recipes.  You can substitute so many things for the higher carb stuff that you will be amazed.

Feel free to ask lots questions, vent, complain, even cry on our shoulders if you want, not to mention taking a bow when you lose lbs - we are here for you.


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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2013, 05:30:06 AM »
Welcome to the forum Angela  :)

Morgan is right....muscle weighs more than fat so keep that in mind while you are exercising.  Pay attention to how your clothes are fitting to tell if you are trading fat for muscle.  Also take your will make it easier to see the changes.   ;)  Take a look around the will find loads of ideas for meals and recipes to try...most are very easy and delicious.   Your daughter will do great on the Fat To Skinny with her controlling her diabetes.  There are many forum members on here that are recovering diabetics...myself included and have brought our blood sugar under control. 

Come in and post often...I look forward to getting to know you and reading about your journey to the new skinny you   ;D

Doug Varrieur

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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2013, 08:32:59 AM »
Hi Angela, trust me you have plenty of fuel stored for workouts...80 pounds worth. You don't need carbs to re-build muscle, you need protein which is the base of FTS. Cut those carbs to 20 or less net carbs per day, enjoy your workouts and go find your skinny self..Welcome to the family! PS...if you haven't yet your daughter should read the book  ;)
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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2013, 08:47:36 AM »
Hi Angela! Welcome to the Forum :) I am Umpa,Dougs wife. If I can help you please ask. You are gonna do great and we are gonna help. :)


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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2013, 02:38:09 PM »
thankyou for such a warm welcome...i am pleasantly surprised i actually refound the forum i posted was surprised to learn today that even though i have gained 5 lbs, i have lost an inch off my waist and 1/2 inch off my thighs...woohoooo....i'm feeling hot today... :o
i also have discovered today that i musta worked out way to hard tuesday as yesterday my entire body hurt, i stayed nauseated all day, and this morning i cant straighten out my right leg due to the fact my calf muscle is in a complete state of contraction. really weird.....but i am heading back to the gym tonight...maybe a warm up will relax it. gonna go browse the recipe section awhile.....oo i just read about the eating low carb at burger can eat lc at mcdonalds as well;-) i order 2 mcdoubles, feed the buns to the birds and eat the cheese n fills me waaaayyyyy up.
thanka again for the warm welcome...i talk alot so please forgive me..... 


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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2013, 03:35:45 PM »
I saw your post Angel when it first popped up, but restrained from responding so our experienced members and forum owners could post their wise words.
Now I am happy to say Hello and Welcome! Looking forward to all you post on here and responses you get!
1" off your waist.... whoo Hoo good going!


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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2013, 08:25:31 PM »
That is so awesome!!!  1 1/2 inches gone  ;)   You should feel so proud!  Be careful working out so hard with the weights though....I tore a thigh muscle once when I was young trying to push myself too hard....not a fun injury and took forever to heal  :-\  Keep up the great work !!


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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2013, 11:48:35 PM »
Hi Angie and welcome!

I used to be quite a keen gym enthusiast. I don't really like the term "bodybuilder".

The great thing is that I switched to low carb while I was doing weightlifting and I actually found that my energy levels went up. My stamina was increased and the effectiveness of each session seems to be multiplied several times.

If you want to find out more about which types of exercises are the best for burning fat then have a look at the work of Dr. Al Sears. You can find that on His PACE program is just the thing and I recommended it to other people in the past and those that had followed the recommendation have found the fat loss as one person put it "was phenomenal".

Hope that helps,

Editor of LowCarb Mag

Doug Varrieur

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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2013, 09:34:35 AM »
Hi Angie, you need water girl and lots of it. You should also limit your workout days so your muscles can recover...if you hurt take a break, that's your body saying... I NEED A BREAK  ;)
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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2013, 08:33:12 PM »
Hello again. I fell off the wagon I'm kicking myself...all my family wanted fudge, so I made it, problem was I had gotten busy today, didn't take time to eat and when we got home I made the stupid fudge...and of course...I ate some. Really really ticks me off that I have no more will power! I'm thinking about going to the gym again instead of taking a break today. I'm feeling like a fat cow!
As for when I do go to the gym,I try to go every other day to give the muscles time to heal, but I over did it Tuesday which made me feel crappy Wednesday, top that off with the fact I haven't slept good in 3 nights...I'm totally tired today. I know my 1.5 yr old is secretly trying to kill me with lack of sleep..Lol.
I do try to drink alot of water, esp when working out, but guess it's not enough. I'll increase my water...sorry for the ramble and the vent....just tired and grumpy:)
Hope everyone has a great weekend ....o yea I was wondering does anyone else have weird cravings? I constantly crave peanut butter..I mean like it wakes me up in the middle of the night...I could eat peanut butter all the time!

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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2013, 10:22:52 AM »
Hi Angela, I too love peanut butter. You can replace your peanut butter with I.M. Healthy unsweetened soy nut butter...1 net carb per serving. Sweeten it with a few drops of FAT TO SKINNY Zero Sweetener. You can find the product in many stores-

As far as the baby goes you made me think of one of my favorite evil babies :)

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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2013, 10:25:48 AM »
When I was detoxing I lived on peanut butter! eat it  ;)
 ;)The best part about being a grandparent is watching your children trying to handle the babies.The children have asked us not to laugh  so loud! It confuses the child :)


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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2013, 12:26:32 PM »
I add stevia to my all natural unsalted peanut butter. It's a healthy snack, not as low in carbs as soy nut butter, but so much healthier than sugar laden fudge, lol.


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Re: newbie with question on weightlifting and low carbing
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2013, 09:32:31 AM »
Have you tried the fudge recipe I did for mommab?