Author Topic: NON SCALE VICTORY -- NSV  (Read 4295 times)


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« on: June 06, 2013, 02:37:19 AM »

I have been a compulsive overeater, an emotional overeater and have a history of binge eating -- especially on sweets -- that's how I got to 298, and I've not been successful before with taking this weight off until starting this January. I've not been compulsively overeating or bingeing since January this year, but it was a HUGE part of my life before.

So last Tuesday I picked up my elderly mother at the train station. She has dementia (that was her last train trip even), and she had lost her luggage (again) and she gets very angry if anyone tries to help her describe the luggage. I was feeling really frustrated trying not to "help her" describe her luggage (she didn't know size or color) or even did not know her address or phone number, and I spoke up and supplied this information, and of course she was irritable with me about it. Also during her trip my sister and I had discussed and I'm needing to start paperwork for conservatorship hearings, etc. So needless to say when I dropped mom at her house I was pretty emotionally charged up.....and this is what happened.

I drove to a 7-11 to get a large diet pepsi with ice which was fine, but while the cup was filling up, I saw over to the side some cornuts, and stuff like that. I got my drink and was looking over the cornuts packages trying to figure our how many carbs etc., when I realized to the left of the cornuts was this WHOLE row of candy -- all the candy I have binged on in the past when having problems, and especially any problem with my mother's problems.

I stood there and looked at all that stuff and was very tempted to get what I'd want and just eat it in the car and no one would know. Then I said this to myself, "None of this will help me feel better. None of this will fix the problem.  None of this will make my problem any easier to deal with. It won't help me deal with mom, or a difficult mom who also now has dementia. It won't help at all, it won't even help me feel better after I've finished the candy -- I'll just want more candy and I'll just be going back to my old ways and the weight will come back on and more."

Then I sighed, and walked away from the candy aisle, paid for my diet pepsi, and went home. That is probably the biggest non scale victoriy of my entire life, and it is a moment and a lesson I hope I never forget.

Thanks for listening....and what is your NON SCALE VICTORY this week? 


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« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2013, 10:44:22 AM »


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« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2013, 12:01:58 PM »
Wow.  I can certainly relate when you said "I stood there and looked at all that stuff and was very tempted to get what I'd want and just eat it in the car and no one would know."  the truth is, you would know.  In the past, you were only concerned with what other people know about you.  Now, you are holding yourself accountable.  Congratulations... that is huge.


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« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2013, 12:35:14 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D HOORAY, Elizabeth!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

That victory is a BIG deal!!!

While shopping, sometimes I spot something high-carb I used eat regularly and
remember what junk like that did to me, and I walk away from it.

It's victories like this that will keep you healthier as well as get the weight off.
And, make us stronger to resist future temptations. 8)

What you do today is what matters!


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« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2013, 02:26:34 PM »
Congratulations Elizabeth!!!!  That must have felt wonderful...way better then the candy could have ever made you feel.   ;) ;D ;D ;D 


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« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2013, 03:03:56 PM »
Hi -- thank you for your responses.  Your insights add to the NSV experience. 

mdazinger -- your insight that i am now holding myself accountable is interesting -- i had not realized that. 

tony -- like your new pic -- and you're right, there will always be times we are like Lot's Wife and look back at what we used to eat -- find myself doing that when I see commercials.  Saw an IHOP commercial even last night while writing the original post and thought "hmmm, I'll see if son wants to go to IHOP and I'll go off eating plan for just one meal and have a fancy stack of pancakes...."   BLEAH -- instantly recognized that as a big lie!  Also, son would NEVER go for it -- he's athletic and remember he's the one (and his dad) who insists I go to gym 3 times a week or he will get on the computer and disable my tv, my laptop, or my iphone...he would never agree to go with me to watch me blow it..."  so from  your comment I do see I'll probably always have times I "look back"....but that's the old life....I've put on the new life of healthy eating, health choices.

too sweet -- you're right it did feel wonderful walking out of the 7-11 with just my virtuous little diet pepsi, and your insight teaches me that is empowering -- you're right it was. 

It's so nice to learn from friends  :) 

You know I think our spirituality (or spiritual insights) help also.....was thinking as I was reading your answers and responding:  I used to have another bad habit that was self-destructive, and just plain wrong, and with God's help had just stopped cold turkey and have not returned to it OR to thinking about it.  That has actually helped me to learn how to say no to myself. 

Another thing that helps with the food cravings, etc., is to not watch food tv shows anymore -- used to watch everything on the food channels, all the cooking shows -- now I do searches for "low carb" on my cable programming, but they don't have any it seems.  At least we have recipes here and on the internet.

Have a great day everyone -- going to Costco to get avocados.....and other low carb supplies....will have son with me so I'll not be sampling....heh heh, OR he will eat them for me.  I'm going to get some of that artichoke/jalapeno dip stuff -- IF the carb count is low enough.  Was thinking that might be good with celery sticks as dippers. 


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« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2013, 09:55:16 AM »
You are in control, you got this beat :)


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« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2013, 11:45:42 AM »
Hi, Elizabeth! :)

I saw an IHOP commercial a couple nights ago.
I wonder if it's the same commercial that tempted you?

They featured banana-graham cracker pancakes! :o :o :o
Being a former banana fanatic, I was VERY STRONGLY tempted.

But I just looked at my "before" picture and thought, "This is what bananas did to me!".
Plus, I remembered how bad my health was back then.
And with that, the urge to go to IHOP was squashed on the spot! ;D

Unlike Lot's wife, sometimes looking back will NOT turn us to salt. ;)

What you do today is what matters!


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« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2013, 07:03:54 AM »
I was in walmart Friday doing some shopping with my wife and I was in the ice cream isle picking a sugarless low carb Klondike bar and while I was happy to know I was choosing well all the other ice creams were calling my name and I just thought to my self,  No! This is not how I live and eat anymore because my mind has being renewed and my life is different now with perfect health. I looked one more more time to all the now not to the so called delicious ice cream anymore after I confirmed my own strength on this and my new lifestyle.  I couldn't sabotage my comfort of digestion and my new found six pack abs that now I have and makes me feel comfortable with myself and sexy!
That's my victory. ;D
Be renewed through the transformation of your mind. I'm there lol


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« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2013, 04:05:29 AM »
It amazes me as to what might trip us up.  The other night I was at work (nightshift) and there were leftover scones left for the staff.  It's not that I love scones that much that I can't resist them up and usually they pose no  threat to me whatsoever, it is just that that night they seemed to be calling to me everytime I went past or to the kitchen.  I couldn't throw them out nor could I move them anywhere else.  I could not believe I wanted to eat them - though they looked absolutely wonderful.  I thought if I can resist all the chocolates at christmas and easter, why would I waste all my good effort on a lump of white flour: then the memories of all the scones I had eaten over the years, the comfort, the friendships of scones shared started in.  I could not believe the tricks that one's mind will play on you and that I was so tempted.  I'm glad to say I didn't succumb, but amazed (yet again) what might trip us up when we aren't vigilant.
Why would I want it/crave it after all this time?


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« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2013, 08:01:34 AM »
Congrats Jay  ;)
Forbidden fruit maybe Morgan? :)


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« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2013, 12:57:14 PM »
Hi, Morgan! :)

In that situation, you were a "captive audience" to those scones.

In situations like that, it helps to have healthy alternatives available.
Like keeping some low carb sweets on hand such as Russell Stover sugar-free candy,
Jolly Rancher sugar-free candy, Trident sugar-free gum, etc..

One piece of something sweet will usually curb urges for "forbidden fruit". ;)

What you do today is what matters!


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« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2013, 03:23:14 PM »
Those sugar free Werthers candies are the best!!! They've gotten me through a few sticky spots! Especially when we go to the movies. Sometimes I'll bring a small serving of pecans to munch on, they're naturally sweet to me. It never fails, we eat a full dinner as a family, go to the movies right after and my dear sweet little 7 year old wants a huge bag of popcorn and candy! Nope! It's amazing the addictive quality of carbs and sugar! You can have a revived sense of unnatural hunger with them!


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« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2013, 08:51:50 AM »
Do you have my recipe for glazed nuts like you get at the carnival?  It is in theFat to Skinny Bakery Book If not I will post it. ;)


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« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2013, 07:05:07 PM »
I have the bakery book, I will check it out! Yummmm. :-)

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