Author Topic: Cravings...  (Read 8262 times)


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« on: June 12, 2013, 10:20:19 PM »
UGH I'm having a craving for sweets, candybars, and soda. SMH I have one Zevia in the fridge but I was trying to save it since I"ve already had one today...I don't know how to deal with these's pretty bad tonight and I'm not sure I'm going to make it :\ I've done well today. For dinner I had a salad and vegetarian fajitas on low-carb I've done well yesterday and today...but I'm struggling right now and not sure what to do. I don't have any carb friendly sweets. What do you do when you're craving? How do you handle it? It's much worse this time around than the last time :(
May you be blessed in all your endeavors, but most importantly, may you be humble. God keep you.


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2013, 10:48:21 PM »
Hi Taby

I have sooo been there  :D   I usually get myself a tall glass of ice cold water and try to find something to occupy myself to get my mind off of the craving.  But if that doesn't work....I think I heard someone say the a dill pickle will crush a sweet craving...Haha  I can't imagine but it's worth a try.  One of my favorite treats at night is to throw together a shake made with ice, almond milk, sweetener and whatever flavoring that sounds good.  Blend it up and enjoy  ;D  The one minute muffins work great too.  Hang in there   ;)


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2013, 10:53:51 PM »
Thanks Toosweet...well I have no blender :\ I'm so tired, I would just go to bed but my kiddos are up with me :\ may just down my last Zevia and deal with it! HA! I wish I had one of my Chocolate Perfection bars right now...they are only 1 carb for the whole bar because they're 15g of fiber LOL and the rest erythritol. I could make the low carb pumpkin pie or pudding but one of the kiddos is asleep with daddy and I don't want to wake them with my mixing :\ I'll hang strong though :) if I don't lose weight by morning though...I'll be pretty down. I usually lose 1-3 pounds a day for the first's been slower this time around.
May you be blessed in all your endeavors, but most importantly, may you be humble. God keep you.


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2013, 11:00:31 PM »
Just drink it real slow...Haha    Hang in there can do it   ;D


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2013, 11:05:04 PM »
Thanks TOOSweet! Do you happen to know which is better for using in desserts when it comes to erythritol or xylitol? I have erythritol but wonder if the amount of Zevia I have been drinking is stunting my weight loss...because Zevia uses erythritol.
May you be blessed in all your endeavors, but most importantly, may you be humble. God keep you.


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2013, 11:16:41 PM »
Here is a list that shows the glycemic index of different sweeteners.  I like to mix my sweeteners when baking to get a better sweetness result but....if your weight loss stalls it should be the first to go.   ;)  Both erythritol and xylitol don't raise my blood sugar at all as long as I don't over do it.  The erythritol won't bother my tummy as quickly as the xylitol will though.   

Glycemic Index of various Sweetening Agents

Maltodextrin Sugar 110
Maltose Sugar 105
Dextrose Sugar 100
Glucose Sugar 100
Trehalose Sugar 70
HFCS-42 Modified Sugar 68
Sucrose Sugar 65
Caramel Modified Sugar 60
Golden Syrup Modified Sugar 60
Inverted Sugar Modified Sugar 60
Refiners Syrup Modified Sugar 60
HFCS-55 Modified Sugar 58
Blackstrap Molasses Sugar Extract 55
Maple Syrup Natural Sugar 54
Honey Natural Sugar 50
Sorghum Syrup Natural Sugar 50
Lactose Sugar 45
Cane Juice Sugar Extract 43
Barley Malt Syrup Modified Sugar 42
HSH Sugar Alcohol 35
Coconut Palm Sugar Natural Sugar 35
Maltitol Sugar Alcohol 35
HFCS-90 Modified Sugar 31
Brown Rice Syrup Modified Sugar 25
Fructose Sugar 25
Galactose Sugar 25
Agave Syrup Modified Sugar 15
Xylitol Sugar Alcohol 12
Glycerol Sugar Alcohol 5
Sorbitol Sugar Alcohol 4
Lactitol Sugar Alcohol 3
Isomalt Sugar Alcohol 2
Mannitol Sugar Alcohol 2
Erythritol Sugar Alcohol 1
Yacon Syrup Natural Sweetener 1
Oligofructose Sugar Fiber 1
Inulin Sugar Fiber 1
Brazzein Natural Sweetener 0
Curculin Natural Sweetener 0
Glycyrrhizin Natural Sweetener 0
Luo Han Guo Natural Sweetener 0
Miraculin Natural Sweetener 0
Monellin Natural Sweetener 0
Pentadin Natural Sweetener 0
Stevia Natural Sweetener 0
Thaumatin Natural Sweetener 0
Acesulfame K Artificial Sweetener 0
Alitame Artificial Sweetener 0
Aspartame Artificial Sweetener 0
Cyclamate Artificial Sweetener 0
Neotame Artificial Sweetener 0
Saccharin Artificial Sweetener 0
Sucralose Artificial Sweetener 0


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2013, 11:25:42 PM »
So I guess the lower the number the better? I don't have diabetics and never had so I don't test blood sugar and therefore, know very little about it :) I prefer the erythritol taste to the xylitol taste personally, so I'll try to stick with that. When I can afford Stevia, I'll be getting some. I'm making a sweet low carb "oatmeal" right now, seeing how it goes. I figured 5 net carbs out of it...right now it's soupy, if it thickens up then I'll post the recipe...if not I'll play with it til it seems right!
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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2013, 11:51:09 PM » the recipe tastes just marginally ok...and that's using ok loosely. The low-carb oatmeal called for
4 Tablespoons shredded coconut

4 teaspoons coconut flour, divided

1/2 cup almond milk (Coconut-almond milk is lovely here too.)

1/2 cup water

sweetener to taste (I used one packet of stevia.)

I don't have stevia, so I subbed ez sweetz drops. The first time I made it it was WAYYYY watery. Not good, so the second time I omitted the water and just used almond milk and added vanilla flavor...flavor is good, but texture is bad. It came out the right thickness but it's grainy. Any ideas on how it could be better and less grainy?
May you be blessed in all your endeavors, but most importantly, may you be humble. God keep you.


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2013, 07:57:49 AM »
I'm not sure Taby  I haven't had much experience working with coconut flour.  Maybe someone else will chime in?  Sorry I'm not any help with this one  :)

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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2013, 08:12:06 AM »
Hi Taby, sweet cravings and hunger are 2 totally different things. Satisfying sweet doesn't mean you need to put food in your belly. Keep some sugar free hard candies around for these occasions. One of my favs are Werthers  8)

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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2013, 08:48:47 AM »
Once you detox you will lose those cravings. It takes about 2 weeks ;)


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2013, 02:43:08 PM »
One other note about cravings...

Like any habit, if we eat sweets too often (like daily), our minds will come to "expect" them and crave them.
It's up to us to prevent the craving cycle from starting, in the first place.

For that reason, sweets are to be enjoyed on a strictly occasional basis!
And should be avoided entirely if our progress has stalled out.

What you do today is what matters!


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2013, 04:30:58 PM »
Right mouseissue...I get it shoudl be only occassional, I just hadn't found a decent way of getting to that point. Thanks Doug, Umpa, and Toosweet. Doug I think those would be helpful because the chocolate ones don't stand a chance, they eat me alive after I've eaten them alive! Ha! Anyhow I'm very discouraged today...I weighed and was a pound heavier. This is going much slower than last time :\ I'm guessing it's all the erythritol I've had...I've had quite a bit everyday through Zevia. Also I was using some "low carb tortillas" went through about 6 this week and I'm thinking maybe they aren't so low carb. Now that Kroger called me last night and told me they have my LaTortilla Factory ones I can get the right ones. Don't trust the Ole brand now. Trying to stay positive and not quit and give it up altogether again.
May you be blessed in all your endeavors, but most importantly, may you be humble. God keep you.


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2013, 04:44:38 PM »
Hi, TabyTaby! :)

We have to watch those food labels like hawks ALL the time! :o
Because they can increase the net carbs without any other change to their labels.

Restarting FTS can be more difficult than starting off brand new.
That's because we've developed expectations from prior experiences that influence us.
And, sugar detox the second time is usually not easier than the first time.
But once you get passed it, you'll feel so much better! ;D ;D ;D

Think of this FTS journey as a brand new journey, with new experiences to enjoy.
And DO NOT allow the possibility of quitting EVER enter your mind for one second!

Instead, commit to yourself EVERYDAY you will become healthier by following the FTS rules.
In time, it will become as second nature to you as breathing.

We are here for you all the way to your goal and beyond, TabyTaby. :) :) :)

What you do today is what matters!


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Re: Cravings...
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2013, 04:52:19 PM »
Thanks Mouseissue! You are right...I can't compare to last time...this is a different day and I'm a different person. The more I think about it, I think the weight gain is actually fluid again...I'll take a lasix and see but I'm swollen again today and thinking that may be the culprit.
May you be blessed in all your endeavors, but most importantly, may you be humble. God keep you.