Author Topic: HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...  (Read 5002 times)


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HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« on: June 14, 2013, 07:48:07 AM »
Hi everyone!
So here is my quick story. Started FTS before I got pregnant with my son in August. I lost 20lbs very quickly on it, within about 6-7 weeks. It was great!!! While pregnant with my son I did not follow the diet as closely as I should have. I started following strictly again about 3 weeks ago. I have also added in 3 days/week at the gym, something I didn't do the first time around at all. However, in this 3 weeks I have only lost about 3lbs and keep hovering back and forth around 1lb. I do know that I have lost a bit in inches, with going to the gym, but that number just seems stuck. This is getting frustrating for me, especially knowing my past results with FTS. My husband thinks I'm just being too hard on myself and has threatened to break my scale :) I've had major body issues most of my life, but especially since my oldest was born 5 years ago.
A typical menu for me (this was yesterday):
One-min muffin for breakfast
Chicken salad (mayo and some pepper) w/cheese for lunch
Dish Pizza Quiche for dinner
This is generally what my menu looks like, inserting a different meal from the cookbook. I am wondering if it could possibly be my coffee intake slowing things down. I drink A LOT of coffee, I have realized. I mean, come on, I have a 7 week old and a 5 year old at home with me!!! :) I do drink it black w/ some SF syrup or FTS sweetener. I am going to lower, and monitor, my coffee intake better...but was just looking for some advice, or reassurance!

Doug Varrieur

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Re: HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2013, 08:33:52 AM »
Deep Breaths NewMe11  :o Are you taking measurements? "weight displacement" is the result of losing a pound of fat but gaining a pound of muscle. The scale stays the same but your body changes... is this what is happening to you as a result of your gym work? Are you doing weight lifting or cardio? Cardio will create leaning results where weights will create muscle development. Coffee isn't causing this and it seems by your listed foods yesterday that you have a handle on your food. I'm assuming you're carefully watching your carbs and they are under 20 per day? If so and you're not losing, drop them to 15 or less. Are you breast feeding? I've read studies that some woman can hold onto to post pregnancy fats during until the baby is weaned.  Have you had your thyroid levels checked since the birth of the new baby...sometimes they can change during pregnancy. Are your portion sizes to large? When eating for 2 during pregnancy it's very common for appetites to demand larger portions leading to new portion habits. If so, try cutting your serving sizes in half on 2 plates. eat the first half then wait 15 minutes...see how you feel. If your satisfied then you've discovered your new portion size...if not eat more.

How much do you need to lose?
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Re: HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 08:58:32 AM »
I like your husband!!!! :D  :D Just follow the rules and it will come off.Its science ;) You really are doing great!


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Re: HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2013, 10:46:23 AM »
Yes, I am well under my 20/day. I am also doing both cardio and some strength training as well. I actually have an appointment on Tues to get my thyroid tested, after talking with by OB while prego she had mentioned that based on my history and so on it would probably be a good idea.

Thanks Umpa! And yeah, I'm actually surprised it hasn't been hidden yet :)


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Re: HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2013, 03:12:33 PM »
Welcome to the FTS family, NewMe11!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

Doug has given you advice that's very sound.

And here are my two-cents...

The scale can be our worst enemy! :(

Except for "total" weight change, it does not show MANY changes that our bodies experience during our FTS journeys.
There are also numerous "invisible" biochemical changes that are also occurring.
And being a new mom, you have many more "changes" going on that others do.

I used to be a "coffee hound"!  I would drink a pot or two a day, easily. :o
I knew that all that coffee was not good for me.
So after starting FTS, I limit myself to two to three cups each morning, then switch to plain water.

Water will aid in weight loss in many ways.
A couple include...
Helping our kidneys flush out toxins that our bodies produce from exercise and weight loss.
And, keeping the skin supple and minimize sag as the fat disappears.

So if you limit your coffee intake, drink lots of water (64+ ounces a day),
and follow the FTS rules, your progress should improve.

What you do today is what matters!


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Re: HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2013, 09:05:52 AM »
too true Tony ;)


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Re: HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2013, 02:19:54 PM »
Hey NewMe!!! We can relate more than you think! I have a 4 1/2 year old at home and an 8 week old baby myself. I've had my ups and downs too...I started this program in 2011, lost 90 pounds in about 6 months or so...but then I donated a kidney and six months later I got pregnant...needless, you can see my ticker! LOL I gained it all back...or all but 20 pounds. So...I'm doing this again. I'd agree with Tony...try switching to using water as your only drink for two days and see if anything may need to be flushed out persay. Obviously I'd say read every ingredient in your coffee just to be sure whatever you are using doesn't have anything hidden...although chances are probably slim, I recently found my "pure" vanilla flavoring had sugar added to it and it was stunting me. But I'd agree with the thyroid check...won't hurt anything and those boogers can really mess us up. Your body can be holding onto pregnancy fluid still too...I've had some fluid issues and had to take a water pill and found out my body was holding onto 20 pounds of fluid! It finally excreted it with the water pill. But hang in there...the program works because it's science, unless you are having a thyroid or other biological issue. You are doing GREAT don't you DARE give up now girly...let's exhaust everything we can because the inside changes are worth what you may not see on the outside just yet!
May you be blessed in all your endeavors, but most importantly, may you be humble. God keep you.


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Re: Re: HELP!!! Feeling frustrated...
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2013, 12:50:42 PM »
Taby,  I'm with you on that my dear!
Welcome newme and happy to know your dedicated to your health and you will continue to lose weight on this lifestyle ;)