Wow, that is cool to know! Thanks! I luckily haven't had a stone since I was long time ago..
I won't divulge how long ago lol.
I haven't worried about stones for a while but the weird thing is the only thing that helps me with the swelling issue that I've discovered the last week or so has been to reduce my fluid consumption before and during the times I'm traveling or sitting for long periods (like at work or riding/driving in a car). Then after I've either arrived or am in a place where I can put my feet up then ill drink all my water then. So often I guzzle a bit a couple hours before bed or in the evening while relaxing on the couch (not right before bed, that's a recipe for insomnia!). I've tried everything else to try to head off swelling; compression hose/socks, putting my feet up on the dashboard (that's interesting while driving, haha just kidding), diuretics, avoiding salt and all sodium, adding more salt/potassium/magnesium in different amounts, green tea, fasting, you name it. Finally something that's working. My ankles have not disappeared since I've started this and no kidney pain or any sort of discomfort. So far so good. I'm not making myself go thirsty, just not sipping constantly like I used to, just for something to do with my hands, which I would say was probably excessive. I'm going by thirst and that's working well. I read this advice on WebMD but it was for one of those ailments I was studying up on...can't remember if it was for congestive heart failure or renal failure...prob the heart one. I also read that some of the common advice on water consumption is not correct. Drinking til you have clear urine is excessive for some and just too much for some people's bodies to handle. I guess I'm one of those. Just don't let it get to looking like apple juice, that's dehydration. So lesson learned there and apparently everyone is different.
I can't imagine having only one kidney! It can make things challenging I'm sure. However I'm sure the recipient of your kidney is happy that you helped them.
What a wonderful thing to do. I just hope your one kidney holds out okay for you.
I'm sure you take extra special care of it.
I am still very interested in how well you do without meat - it fascinates me I suppose. Please share more of your menus!
I like reading what people eat - its the OCD part of me I suppose lol.