Hey yall!
Well, so far I've gone from 200 to 198. (Hard to believe I started out at 240!)May not seem much, but every little bit helps. And I'm happy with it. And yes, I "willingly" (& for 10 years, I have yet to figure out why!) drive a school bus. I live to ride! haha....I enjoy the insanity of not being able to control the elementary kids. The fact that you can tell them to sit down 20 times a day, and it does no good, yes there's something wrong with me!
I just want to prove to the mil that you do not need lapban, or any other medical procedure to loose weight! All you need is will power and a bunch of good friends! (Incase you're wondering! That would be y'all!)
Since husband is really never home
with the two jobs, I just eat when I get hungry. It seems easier to eat by myself? Is that weird? If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. I don't cook it, so, I don't have to worry about wasteing any of it! I have been really good about eating just the meat that she cooks! And I've been fine! It's funny though how the stomach does shrink after a while. And you're not nearly as hungry as you once used to be!