Be careful guys....just about every flavored nut you can buy on the market has Maltodextrin in the ingredients list. Maltodextrin is higher on the glycemic index than regular cane sugar
I couldn't figure out why my blood sugar would spike on me for no apparent reason. Than I started paying attention to the ingredients a little more careful. mystery solved.... I stopped eating my favorite brand and found that I no longer have crazy cravings out of the blue and my sugar isn't spiking anymore. Sneaky sneaky....they don't have to list it as a sugar because well it's not
but it has a much stronger effect on my blood sugar
Check this out : It's shocking to think about considering that all of the sweeteners listed in this artical are a no no in the FTS lifestyle with the exception of the natural fructose that we get from our berries. It's even higher than dextrose and glucose
and yet they put it in the granular Splenda and claim it is a 0 calorie product and safe for diabetics to use
Uggggh!!! ....who would have thunk that nuts would spike your blood sugar?? I get so frustrated sometimes with these manufacturers. Read those labels guys