Hi all, I went to my doctors office yesterday (I've been sick) and finally got a helpful PA who listened to my problems (chronic issues I've had for years) that have been worse as of late and he ordered a bunch of tests. I had basically pleaded my case with my worries about my swelling being something other than just normal swelling. I explained how long it's gone on, how bad it gets and how miserable it makes me. I told them what helps (rest, watching my fluid intake) and what doesn't (drinking more, water pills) and how I've tried to manage with it. I'm finding it difficult to travel anymore and that makes me really concerned. I'm too young to be so swollen in my feet even after an hour sitting. Water pills don't help. He signed me up for many tests to help find out what this is, I'm so tired of it. He is checking to see if it may be my thyroid as I have a family history of hypothyroidism. He says that could be why my cholesterol is a little high too and I've been losing hair. He's also testing me for hormone imbalances and congestive heart failure as some of my symptoms indicate that as well (arrhythmia, shortness of breath when I lie down, a few other things). Ugh. I'll let you guys know when I get my results. I'm home today doing another test that takes 24hrs that tests for kidney function (I think). However I have a terrible headache today and I'm trying to deal with that. All I know is that my three back to back pregnancies in my teens really started it all. My fourth and last pregnancy I almost died in delivery so I think maybe its just too much stress on my body! I just don't know what it's doing anymore and I'm not really that old to be having so many problems like this. I had these problems in my 20's too and always tried to just think it must be normal but now I'm realizing its not. My ankles and feet get so swollen just after a day at work that it hurts to bend at my ankles - it's just so bad and its like my skin is burning because its stretching so much. Ouch. It seems the more I drink the more I swell.
I avoid sodium which helps very little. I watch my electrolytes closely and make sure I get potassium and magnesium, calcium, etc. and I told them I eat a very low carb diet and its cleared up a lot of my problems and helped with my energy levels (I've always had trouble with my energy). I hope the doctor can help me figure out why. Cross your fingers for me I can find out what's going on and get some help with it. I think the hardest part is not knowing and I've let this go on way too long without insisting we get to the bottom of it. I certainly don't want to end up like my brother - not getting tests done until you collapse from a grand mal seizure on the basketball court, end up with a diagnosis of glioblastoma (stage 3) at age 32. Wasted away and dead by 34. No way. I can't be too careful!