Bite ur tongue Doug - of course it was sugarfree.
I didn't plan on not eating, I had a hair appt which took longer than anticipated: then I went to a cafe and ordered a burger with side salad (i just leave the bun behind) and coffee. I sat down really looking forward to some food when the waitress came back and said they had run out. Honestly, how can U run out , it main lunch time. Past time to order eggs - stops before lunch menu starts, but that's another gripe. So just settled for coffee. Always travel with snacks, even if they just come home again. I didn't get to eat until about 4.30pm. Ate strawberries whilst chicken wings were cooking. Then latter a piece fts cake and that was it for the day.
Don't worry toosweet, believe u me, I do eat enough. Well I think so. Sometimes I think too much. Hell, who knows. I cut my carbs to 10 and still weight stays same.