Thank you doug so true about recovering carbaholics .
Morgan its interesting I was thinking about the "fair" thing. I was thinking how unfair I have been to my health, metabolism, the parts of my life I gzve up due to carbs addiction... I used to be obese BUT healthy and had a good fitness level. At 60 and 285 lbs of fat (and losing muscle mass fast) I need to be faur to myself real quick to ward off some ugly looming health issues. I ws thinking it is time to be fair to my health, my needs, my body. And I was thinking I need to start thst soon and as a major change insread of a diet . Its like "ive been dancing too long and now its time to pay the piper."
What are you eating today moegan?
Excuse fat finhers on tablet withiut autocorrect lol
Have a blessed day ya'all and esoecially you morgzn