Hi Tony and Jacki....
Tony you are so right on the truth about carbs, sugar and additction. And I am seven days into recovery and feeling so much better. I even sleep better. There are still times I have to go minute by minute in my efforts to stay sugar free, and I don't expect that to change, but I am noticing the physical craving is lessening. My sugar addiction is so tied to my emotions and stress levelsl since sugar has been my way of coping with most everything in my life.
I heard a podcast recently about "obstacles to staying on low carb" etc., something like that....so I'm working on addressing some of my challenges and obstacles......
my obstacles I'm working on are:
1. My emotional eating, I tend to eat sugar.....eat....isn't the word....it's BINGE sugar when I want to put a smile on my face and act like everything is fine instead of sticking up for myself, etc. I have a tendency to be more blunt, and direct when I'm not stuffing down emotions.....told a co-worker today I didn't like something she did to me last night, that it was rude, and she replied in a way to discount my feelings, and I didn't let her get away with it. I just said, "you and I both know what was really going on at that moment..." we had a good discussion and cleared the air, but when I have sugar in my life I would have just stopped for something sugary on the way home last night instead of planning that today I would bring it up and discuss it.
2. This obstacle is that I'm too busy. I have a huge volunteer job at my church on top of my my regular work, and I tend to put myself and my needs last, so while the volunteer job is necessary, and working full-time is necessary, I am letting other things go so make time for taking care of myself.....now I need to fit in some gym time.
3. This obstacle is related to #2, in that I have to really work on cooking enough and often enough to keep myself stocked with good food i LIKE....no LOVE to eat....that is what keeps me from flying back into the fickle clutches of sugar addiction.
4. This obstacles is that I can have a tendency to want to "do it perfectly"....and that brings failure because of course no one can do anything perfectly and perfectly all the time.
hnmmmmm think that's it for now, but just things I've been thinking about since your excellent reply about sugar and carb addition.
I do hope for a future where it will be more recognized....of course then grocery stores will be only half their current size.....lol
Soooooooooooo Jacki.....how you doing....I'm on day 7 of being "clean and sober" from sugar.....what day are you on. speak up and let us know.....you don't want me to have to come get you do you?
haha....no matter what is going on, time to check in with us.
I read the forum on my tablet, but can't always get to my laptop to type a response.....
hang in there jacki!!! you can do this!