Author Topic: OFF THE WAGON  (Read 15026 times)


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« on: May 31, 2014, 10:20:09 PM »
I've been reading quite a few posts lately about falling off the 'wagon' and coming back on board, but it shows me how dedicated we really are to ourselves to get better/healthier.  No matter how many times we may fall off, trip over, no matter how many lbs we may put back on, we can dust ourselves off, and to use my favourite phrase 'put our big girl panties on' and deal with it.  Myself included.   The important thing - to keep getting up and getting back on board. The thing is - what is it that sets us off and how do we put the brakes on it?

I know there's lots of talk about controlling the 8' around us and it's how we deal with things, but hey - theory good, in real life not so great.  Emotions, stress, family, temptations, you name it, we have to find a way to deal with it, and we all know it ain't that easy.  Some days we cruise through life, other days - break out the cake!

My life - not so crash hot atm, but that's another issue, but I did fall off and bounced along the road quite a bit, put weight back on, applied the brakes, took weight off, fell off and put it on.  Now happy to say that have hopped back on and feeling better. 

It was a bit precarious on Day 1, but I'm sure the ghost of Doug was looking after me - I was in the mindset, everything prepared and had to go into town.  Friend came with me and decided she wanted fish & chips (fries to y'all) (fish is battered and deep fried), I would like to say I wouldn't have succumed to the temptation, but will never know cos (thank you God) the shop was closed.  It was one of those crossroads moments.  Day 2, walked into my daughter's local supermaket on a visit and all the Lindor Chocolates (my absolute favourites) were all 1/2 price.  I was speechless, during my gorging none of the things I used to love were on sale - I give them up and they pop up everywhere.  I just had to have a laugh to myself otherwise I think I would have run screaming or curled up in a little ball sobbing.  NB - I still have my sense of humor. :D

Emotions are my downfall, I know I stuff things down my throat so words don't come out.  Words I don't want to say that might hurt others feelings, instead they hurt mine.  The thing is though, I would rather hurt myself than anyone else, it's just the way I am and I have to find another way to deal (preferably not by eating).  Stress and finances also have factored in but I can put those to one side as I can't do much about them and they don't make me want to eat.  I tend to do a 'head in a bucket of sand' scenario on those.

I'm not sure what made me hop back on and stick to fts, but I think it was the scale.  I know we all hate the scale (lord knows I could have shot it any number of times), but it was the realisation that I had put back nearly all the weight I had lost in just a number of months.  I mean, we all know that weight comes back on faster than off - but really!!!!!!
But looking at that scale and realising all that wasted effort. Damn damn, double damn (excuse language).  I was not happy and when you're eating everything in sight and you still not happy - as Dr Phil would say "how's that working out for ya?"  Well it wasn't, so therefore to change you have to change your actions. 

They say it gets harder everytime you fall off and start again - well yes in one way and that is getting into your mindset and starting, but easier in the sense that you know what works and what to do.

It's good in a sense that I am not the only one (sorry guys) and to know others deal with the same issues. 

So what were your 'triggers' and your 'brakes'.


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« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2014, 10:27:03 AM »
Triggers and Brakes ,I like this Morgan.
I dont really have any triggers but I do have brakes.I have been in Menopause for 7 1/2 years and that makes it very easy to gain weight . I am almost 50 so I am not as hard on myself as I was in my early 40's,weight is adjustable. ;)


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« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2014, 11:15:53 AM »
Hi, Morgan! :)

In my life, my "triggers" have been:

1) Stress from family issues and life's curve balls.
2) Lack of sleep. I guess it's my age, but I often have problems getting a good night's sleep.
3) Some family gatherings. We ALL know about this one!... I always come prepared.
But every so often, someone brings something I LOVED that I haven't eaten in many years.
The temptation (especially if I'm tired) can be VERY tough to overcome.
And afterword, I'll feel sick from the carbs that day, and hungover the next day.

My "brakes":

1) Prayer, prayer, and more prayer!... When I hand "the load" over to the Lord, everything gets MUCH easier.
2) Being as prepared as I can for expected hunger and unexpected temptations.
3) Keeping my "before" pictures handy and looking at them as a reminder of where I was.
4) Daily renewing my commitment to staying healthy. I have a great desire to watch my grandkids grow up.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 11:38:29 AM by mouseissue »
What you do today is what matters!


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« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2014, 12:46:38 PM »
I'm with you, Morgan, on both the triggers and the brakes!

Triggers - emotions. Big Feelings seem to make me feel like I need to either celebrate with or drown my sorrows with SUGAR.  Oy. It's rough. Also, socializing with friends who are enjoying a glass of wine or beer. Resisting that is very difficult for me sometimes because I'm a little on the anxious side and I know I relax a lot with alcohol (bad medicine, I know).

Brakes - yup. The Scale (capitalized because it is THAT important to me). People suggest not weighing every day but it is both what keeps me motivated (hey! Look at me...I'm maintaing/losing!) and what keeps me in check (woah, gaining...where am I sabotaging myself and what should I do to get back on track?).


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« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2014, 07:40:23 AM »
Morgan I am so glad we are all back at it together! Triggers happen, but with all of us here...supporting our journey...we can do this. :)
Check out my latest book on my Author Page at!

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« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2014, 01:21:13 PM »
Oh Boy, I'm so glad you started this thread Morgan. 

Talk about a trigger, I'm fine until I get the 5 o'clock "I need spicy cheetos" howl from somewhere inside me.  I know I'm not hungry, its just one of those thing!!!   Funnily enough the scale is one of my triggers, I get on there and if its not what I think it should be I get all distracted, stop eating, exercise like crazy and go off the rails.  So I limit weighing to once a week and that helps.

Tony's brakes work wonders and a 5-10 minute brisk walk.  I always try and remember how that short walk felt like before ( it was like climbing a mountain and I hated it), and how easy and pleasant it seems now. That's my way of instant gratification.


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« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2014, 03:41:48 PM »
Hey Morgan:) I think my brakes were, yall know who I live with so well leave it at that. Mine was, I just didn't want to hear the mil gripe (putting it mildly!) About how she made this big olé meal and I wasn't stuffing my face! I just got tired of eating the same way "every single night!" & feeling so miserable at the end of the day. I mean what happened to me? I "never" ate like this in high school and kept the weight off. Now it's like I'm in a battle. A battle of wills. It just seems like anything I've wanted in life I've had to battle something or some one, so to speak. I even yes even told the mil the weight I've lost and all I got was a wow. But I'm doing this for me, not her right?:)
I feel you on the emotional eating! Mine is stress and bordum:)
It's hard, but I'm gonna make it!:)


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« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2014, 09:25:39 AM »
maybe you should move Stef :)


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« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2014, 08:15:30 AM »
Hi Morgan  Yep...we all fall down but I'm with all of you.  Thanks to FTS and the FTS family it's easy to find the breaks  ;)   


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« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2014, 11:47:31 AM »
TooTrue Toosweet ;)


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« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2014, 05:59:27 AM »
Great thread morgan and tony.  Gives me lots to think about 


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« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2014, 08:26:38 AM »
Needing to put on the breaks myself.....I've been a little lazy here lately and not logging my meals and allowing myself a slip once in a while.  My hubs loves Mexican food so we frequent the local restaurant often.  One of my favorites is to get the grilled taco salad....buuuuuut here lately I have been indulging in eating the shell.   :-[ :-[  bad bad bad  Haha  I have notice the scale creeping up  :-\   No reason for it because they are more then happy to accommodate my low carb ways.  Just goes to show that we all get on and off that wagon.  It's just called living  ;) ;) Thanks to Doug and Umpa we have the skills to help make it a long ride   ;D ;D


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« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2014, 09:52:47 AM »
Life moves on ;)


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« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2014, 11:16:30 AM »
Hi, Shawn! :)

Nice to hear from you again! ;D ;D ;D
Like Umpa said, life does move on, so no worries.

Being aware of what's going on is important.
And not allowing temporary "slippage" to become a lifestyle is also.
You know what to do to get back on track before the slip becomes a fall.

You'll do just fine! :) :) :)

What you do today is what matters!


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« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2014, 12:25:11 AM »
I can relate to  this post......just like you guys. I fall off in the wagon too. But, what is important is that we stand.