I'm asked all the time about time frames and
weight loss. Why does one person
lose weight faster than another, why do men seem to drop weight faster than woman, what do I have to do to speed this up..... Here's the answer. Everyone is different, we all have different lifestyles, live in different parts of the country have different metabolisms, some of us are on certain meds that others aren't on, our ages are different, heck some of us have stairs to climb while others live in a single story house. There's all kinds of subtle differences between us all but we all have one thing in common, we are all human. the science of glucose, fat cell formation, fat cell burning and fat cell storage doesn't differ from one to another, only the subtle factors influencing these processes differs between us. If you aren't dropping weight at 20 carbs per day drop the carb intake lower...and lower....and lower until
your body starts to respond by using FAT as fuel. Make sure your portion sizes are in line....see the post on FAT TO SKINNY portion sizes and stick to it.
You are in control here, none else. It's up to you to find that magic number that makes your body respond. I personally NEVER exceed 20 carbs per day and haven't for years, most days I don't even get close. My body is very sensitive to sugar and I gain weight just walking down the bread isle! For most people 20 is a great number to stick with and for most people 20 or slightly under works just fine, for others like myself we need to be more strict about our carb intake.
Now with all that said let's talk time frame. Like Umpa pointed out "how do you feel" are you eating good, is your energy high, do you feel more healthy? If you answer yes to these questions then you're well on your way to success, remember...this is not a race, now you simply need to tweak your program to your personal needs, the weight will come off if you give it no choice but to be used as fuel.