I have been drinking milk like crazy...until I read the label the other day... EEK!
there is a LOT of sugar in milk!!! another thing is I am eating completely different than my kids...and that is for the BIRDS! I am also having zero portion control. Boy!
So I am getting an elliptical until the snow melts off enough to ride my bike to up my activity level.
Does ANYONE have any thoughts or suggestions on how to convince a 10 year old kid he shouldn't eat all that other garbage?
He eats healthier than most...but there is still quite a bit of carbs in his diet, breakfast cereal, lunch at school etc. He has severe ADHD, and I KNOW sugar affects his behavior AND he is a little chunky as well.
My 16 year old daughter is all for it, she is at a healthy weight now, but recognizes she probably won't always have the same metabolism or activity she does now (what a good kid)
Thanks for hearing me out! Tomorrow is a new day, so I will start all over again