I am relatively new to the forum and the FTS diet. While I believe the diet is working, I definitely find it challenging to stay at 20g carbs per day even though I'm eating all low-carb foods! Typically I have been ending up closer to 30-35g per day. Keeping a daily carb count journal has helped me pinpoint a few specific items on which I am "overspending" my share of daily carbs. But even so, I feel like if I stayed at 20g per day I would never feel full! Does this mean I am just a total pig who eats too large portions? I'm not a very big person (128 lbs, 5'4")...
Sorry if you have already posted something similar in the past (if so please direct me to that!). But Doug/Umpa: do you keep a daily carb count journal? Or are you just so familiar with carbs counts at this point that you just keep count in your head?
I thought it would be interesting to see just a couple days worth of what you guys are eating (items & portions) that keeps you at around 20g carbs per day.