Hello Jess, This is where I would begin..... 0 sugar and work your way up. Starting with breakfast;
Breakfast- eat an egg or eggbeater omelet with a side of your favorite breakfast meat 2 carbs (coffee 1 carb per cup)
Lunch- Bring some premixed Tuna to school with 2 or 3 romaine lettuce leaves and a couple pieces of your favorite sliced cheese, Make your wraps using the romaine as the wrappers 2 carbs
Dinner- Grill a nice chicken breast with a side of broccoli or green beans and a side salad, oil and vin dressing no high carb veggies such as carrots 2 carbs
Snack- handful of almonds or a piece of sugar free candy- 1-2 carbs or sugar free jello with sliced strawberries and reddi whip
Total for the day not counting beverages which should all be a zero or very low...... less than 10
TIP If you mix and match any of the breakfasts, lunches and dinners from the book...one of each for the day you're carb count will be less than 20.