WTG!! Isn't it nice to go to the Dr's. and get praise instead of feeling guilty because your blood sugars and blood pressure are up. I too had instant success with both of these going down and walked out of my Dr's. office on Friday with a smile on my face. Lets just hope they start cutting back on our meds and eventually take none. This new way of life is amazing! When I followed the eating plan set up for me my the Canadian Diabetic Association's dietitian, she kept telling me I needed more carbs. She wanted me to eat 2 slices of whole grain bread for lunch. It just seemed wrong. My weight kept creeping up and so were my blood sugars, it seemed like a losing battle. I know my brother-in-law found the same thing but has also changed to the FTS lifestyle and has also had great success with his blood sugars. So this does work!!
Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to us all.