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Messages - FAT TO SKINNY reader

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Click Here To Share Your Success Story / In my 34 jeans again :)
« on: March 04, 2010, 04:06:47 PM »
Dear Doug, My wife and I want to thank you for writing this book. i purchased it the first of January and we both have lost over 20lbs. so far with out any effort and eating as you suggested. Today I put on my size 34 jeans that I haven't worn for years. I am 50 years old and unemployed at the time but boy that makes me feel better about myself.
Once again, thanks a million, Terry & Denice

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / If she can do it so can I!
« on: March 04, 2010, 04:05:44 PM »
Trish heard about your program on the radio on her way to work one day and she proceeded to tell me about it.  She is the Associate Principal in our High School and I am the school nurse.  She got the book and started the following Monday which was about 2 weeks ago or a little more and I had not seen her for about a week and when I did it was quite noticable that she had lost some weight, we both are about 80 pounds over weight and she had already lost the bloat in the abdomen, it has been two weeks and Trish has lost 15 pounds, and you can tell, she says that she hasn't had trouble staying on the diet either.  I have tried everything on the market and so has she and so if Trish can do this so can I.  I look forward to starting the diet on Monday and starting my husband and boys both on it also, they are both "husky" boys and eat the absolute wrong food just as their dad and I do.  I figure if Trish can do this diet and she has tried just as many as I have than it will be worth the challenge to change our eating habits and to change our lifestyles also.  Thanks so much for publishing your information for the rest of us to try.

"Touch people with the better angels of your nature."  Abraham Lincoln


Click Here To Share Your Success Story / I have renewed hope!
« on: March 04, 2010, 04:04:15 PM »
Hi Doug;  I added you to my friend's list on facebook.  I just wanted you to know how much your book has affected our lives.  Adriana just happend to go to Barns and Nobles book store and picked up your book, read it all in one day, and gave it to me to read, of course I was skeptical....but as I turned the pages (what a nice choice of paper, very classy) I connected with your message with regards to the sugar intake.  Some years ago I also read a book about how the Government subsidises sugar and promotes its use, and as the years went by I also tried several weight loss methods to include Atkins, weight watchers, and LA weight loss system.  You lose but you gain it right back because it is difficult to be restricted in all areas of your personal choices in food.   As we are all bombarded with so many comercials it all turns into a maze of confusion.  The illustrations plus the simplified way of explaining how detrimental sugar is to our health made me recognize clearly all the knowledge I had accumulated about the subject needed to be challenged, but most of all APPLIED at every meal.  I was so motivated and excited, true to what you said "I found hope once again" that a solution was in my own hands.
  Thanking you once again for taking an interest in all people....
Nora Lilia Quintanilla Brise�o

Hello Doug~ My name is Jenny.  I bought your book about 1 month ago.  I had heard you speak on the radio.  I have lost almost 20 pounds in the month that I have followed your book.  I am so pleased.  I am wondering if you had ever in the time you were trying to loose weight, gained any back.  I have not lost any weight  in over 1 week, in fact I gained 2 pounds back.  I hope this is normal.  I am not quiting.  I feel much better, and am hoping to loose many more pounds. Any words of wisdom? Greatfuly~ Jenny Reimer ::)

Click Here To Share Your Success Story / I've dropped 3 sizes!
« on: March 04, 2010, 01:21:48 PM »
Dear Doug,

I have struggled with my weight all my life.  There has never been a way that I have found to keep the weight off once I lost it.  When I read this book (my brother told me about it), all my failures started making sense.  I told my sister in Oregon about it and she also started this.  We have been on this for about a month now and I cannot believe the difference.  I have only lost 10 pounds, but I have lost 3 sizes.  I have gone from a 22-24 to a 16-18 in some styles and I feel great!  I feel like I'm shrinking from the inside out and all over.  I have bought the crisp bread and wondered if this is real important or if there is a significance with it.  It says appetite control on the package and is 50% of the recommended for fiber.  Is that why?  I am too chicken to send a picture, but will when I am down a little more. 

I read your book in 36 hours and started immediately.  I just got back from seeing my sister in Oregon and when I see her next, I will be a decent size again.  When we looked at just the Starbucks coffee, we had 117 carbs before eating breakfast some mornings previously.  I have to say that this book is in plain English and easily understood and has brought new meaning to my life again. 

Thank you sooooooooooo much,  ;D


Booze! / Isn't there carbs in beer?
« on: March 02, 2010, 03:13:12 PM »
I've noticed my weight loss is stalled, mi wife tells me it's because of my beer. Is that true?


Booze! / Can I drink on a low carb/low sugar diet?
« on: March 02, 2010, 03:04:58 PM »
Dear Doug, I've been drinking a couple of glasses of wine each night...pretty good size goblets. Will the wine affect my weight loss?


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