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Topics - marylepera

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General Discussion / Hi Guys.
« on: June 26, 2012, 10:02:56 AM »
After man months of taking care of my sciatica and gaining 16 pounds from all of the steroids and just plane old being lazy and I have to admit a little crazy too, I am ready to get back in control of my life and my body!

I know I had said this before, and then didn't do it but now I don't have a choice.  My husband had a heart attack last Monday, and had to have three stents and two balloons.  You want to talk about scared?  Well I was, and I still keep looking at him as though he's going to break.  I have started him as well as the rest of the family (joey's no problem, he's my wing man) He's not supposed to eat too much red meat, so we are opting for Chicken, Turkey and Fish but so far so good. 

I have already dropped 2 pounds, so I'm feeling confident.  You know I think I'm a nervous eater, or I eat when I'm upset.  Because I found myself in the hospital cafeteria more times than I should have!  I need to watch this, because this morning I had a problem at work only seconds after arriving, and I went right for the kitchen.  Need to keep that under control!

Love you guys, and missed you sooooo much!

General Discussion / Hi Family!
« on: April 20, 2012, 11:40:01 AM »
I know I have not been around too often lately, My back and leg were so bad, that I really took a break from life and had to deal with the problem.  As I had said before, Prednisone blew me up like a blow fish and made me gain 6 pounds!  I am all better now, lots of PT and back to the gym.  So what's my complaint?  I started taking vitamins and a new Thyroid (ENERGY) pill.  Well guess what.... I'm 10 pounds heavier!  Have been doing my FTS program all along, figured the Prednisone weight would fall away soon enough, and then BAM I'm even heavier. 

So I looked on line this morning, and found that some people really do gain weight on vitamins.  So.... I'm going to stop taking them and see what happens.  I have to admit, I really didn't have any more energy than before, and I didn't feel any different.  I know that Sherri had lost weight on her Centrum, but go figure.... I gain! 

Oh by the way... Joey is going to the PROM tonight!  You can not imagine how proud I am of him:)

Well have a great Friday, and let me know if I'm the only one with the weight gain while trying to do the right thing.


General Discussion / prednisone...ugh
« on: February 24, 2012, 02:53:37 PM »
Hi guys,

Sorry I've been off for a week or two, as you know I have sciatica and lower back problems.  My PCP told me to take Advil for the pain and then I would do PT.  Ok that was fine, except that I didn't see her for 2 months after she told me to take Advil.   So guess what happens to Mary when she take too much Advil?  Yeah she blows up with Edema!  Joey informed me that my legs felt like PUDDING IN A BALLOON!  Thank God I love him!

So I went back to the Doc. and she told me No more Advil (duh) and she put me on Prednisone.  Oh joy now I'm even bigger!!!  OMG HELP ME.  I don't know what to do.  I have to take it for 5 more days and I'm not aloud to take any pain medicine at all.  Okay I can deal with that, but I'm not sure what to do about all this extra stuff on my body.  I don't know if it is water, or fat or both.  Oh and I'm not a very a nice person either (in case you have not noticed)

I am so sad, because I was doing so well, I had even lost two more pounds.  You can't imagine how I felt when I got on that scale and it was 10 pounds more that it was two weeks ago.  I just wanted to cry!  And the Doc was just like oh well you better cut back on the sweets.  Really?  I have not had Sugar in months!  I didn't even bother telling her, because she acted as though I have always been like this, and oh well... lets see what happens with the Medropack.

So... I guess I needed to vent, and to ask if anybody had any ideas as to what I can do to get rid of this (Water)???

I love you guys, and I'm sorry for being a grump.  I'm just so upset, and the worst part is that I didn't do anything to get this way.

Thanks for listening.


General Discussion / A question for Umpa
« on: February 07, 2012, 09:50:45 AM »

A few months ago you told me to take Horsetail to help my hair grow back.  I actually purchased the horsetail that day, but... you know me,
I didn't start taking it until this week.

Okay... My question is.. Did you go to the bathroom all the time?  Not that I mind, getting rid of all that water is great, but I was just wondering if you had the same reaction.

General Discussion / Ahhh Yes
« on: February 03, 2012, 09:00:30 AM »
Good morning all,

Got on the scale this morning, and after only being back on FTS for less than a week, I am back on track and losing again!  It felt so good, my oldest son was getting ready to leave for school and I keep my scale in the kitchen (kind of a way to make you think before eating too much) he looked down at the numbers and gave me a said with a big smile on his face. "Nicely done Mamma"  I pushed the scale under the chair and proceeded to dance around the kitchen.

It really works!  You just have to be strong enough to fight those cravings and know that you can still eat and enjoy your food.  It's a matter of paying attention and wanting to be the better you.  I'm back on track. 

Thank you Doug and Umpa for the books, the website and the family you have created through this forum.

I Love You!


General Discussion / I'm back.
« on: January 30, 2012, 02:32:30 PM »
Hello to my loving family that I have missed so much!

I have not been on in a while, and must say that I have missed you all very much, the
biggest thing I have missed is my FTS life style. 

I have to get back into the swing of things and am in need of your help.  I gave my FTS
book to my cousin back in November, and realized by the end of December that I had made
a HUGE mistake.  I gave away my bible!  I'm calling her today to get my book back, and get
my life back as well!

I hurt my back in October, and have been suffering from sciatica ever since.  It's been so hard
to do anything especially exercise.  I'm going to do this and I'm going to do it right.  Still don't
know why I let myself fall off my new life style, but I have not only hurt myself but Joey as well.  I saw him
last night without a shirt and I saw with my own eye's that he too has started to gain again.  OMG
I can't believe I did this!

Okay, Im going to get my life in order, and I'm going to get my book back too!

I really missed being here, and can only blame myself.

Always,  Mary

General Discussion / P.C.O.S.
« on: October 27, 2011, 01:42:34 PM »
Hi it's me again, with more news on the family.

My daughter Becca (21) has pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome)  She has been suffering for years with this problem that strike women.  Among man of the symptoms, is that the women or young girls start to put on weight, and start looking pregnant.  Not a good thing for a young single girl in her late teens and early twenties.

So.... Becca went on a website, found out all sorts of information about her problem and then made an appointment with a Dietitian.  I too went onto a few websites, (she won't let me go with her to her meeting)  Well guess what all the websites say????

In order to fight the pcos and stop the weight gain and help with the Insulin Resistance... The plan advocates a - High Protein - Low Carb - and lots Green Veggies and Fruit!  SURPRISE!!!

I'm not saying anything to Becca, because she's been poo pooing Joey and I when we eat Sugar Free foods.  She wanted to try the plan a few weeks ago, but didn't think it would help her because her condition was causing her to be heavy, not the food!  Hmmmm is all I can say.

I am so excited to know that now Becca too will be eating healthy and it will be helping her condition!  I just had to tell you guys this, because it just shows that so many of the health problems that we have today are caused by the things we eat!

Again I can not thank all of you here at FTS for the help and support you have given us.  Doug you are an Angel on earth!



General Discussion / BIG NEWS!
« on: October 26, 2011, 01:31:41 PM »
Hi everybody,

It's been a while since I have posted, life is good, and FTS is making it even Better!  Joe (my son) who has been doing FTS for about 7 weeks now I think Anyway, the big news is that in that amount of time, Joey has lost a total of 26 pounds!!!

I'm not quite to my 15 pound mark yet, but I'm working on getting to my goal.


Girly Girl Talk / P.M.S
« on: September 30, 2011, 07:03:28 AM »
Good morning ladies,

I was just wondering if I'm a freak, or maybe this has happened to others?  I didn't get the normal bloating and sore boobs this month.... I'm not complaining, but just wondering if this is going to continue cause I'm loving it!

I will admit though that I have some really bad mood swings.  I'm not sure what that's all about, I cried for two hours last night.  I thought my poor husband was going to run away from home.  I did have a really bad day, from about 6:30am till about 7pm.  Could have been why I was so cranky and he was the biggest reason for it, but.. still for me to be that upset... I"m just not sure.

I prayed this morning that today would be a much better day, and I know that god is with me.  As for the rest... well I'm going to enjoy the loss of bloating and pray that I don't get major cramps.

Let me know if anybody else has experienced this, and hope that it stayed away too.


General Discussion / forum question
« on: September 26, 2011, 06:58:22 PM »
Hi guys, It's me AGAIN!

As you all know, I love you and I love this forum.  I'm guessing that my excitement is contagious, because Joey has asked to join.  Do we have one for teens? 

Apparently Joe would like recipes for some foods, and he actually sat beside me last night while I read some posts and talked to Tony.  He said "Mom your having too much fun"  then we laughed and he added "Can I join?"  I didn't really know how to answer him.

Any ideas?

Thank you,


General Discussion / Crackers?
« on: September 25, 2011, 01:40:17 PM »
Hi, I don't think I'm in the right forum for this question, but....

I purchased these flatbreads at whole foods the other day, and I'm wondering if I should take them back.

Doctor Kracker (pumpkin seed cheddar flatbread)

total carbs.....11g
      Dietary Fiber 4g
      Sugar 0
      Protein 5g

I'm thinking I already know the answer to my question, but... you know me!

Thanks.. Mary

General Discussion / need to vent!
« on: September 24, 2011, 04:40:24 PM »
Hi Guys,  So I went shopping with my son Joe today, just picking up a few things when Joe my great weight loser came over to me with a container of ICE CREAM!  I said no!  he actually started arguing with me in the middle of the store.  I thought he put it back, but... on the way to the car, I realized he had purchased the ice cream, and had it in his own bag.

So... I explained to Joe that I had gotten rid of all the junk food in the house, and now he was going to bring this in.  Joe responded that I am now the mom that controls what her kids eat, and makes them lose weight.

I almost burst into tears in the car.  I was just shocked that he who has been so excited about the weight loss was now going to eat ice cream.

I think I may have said something not nice about not wanting to be the fat mom with the fat kids and fat husband any more!  Oh fine I did say it.  Now he's in his room, Ice cream in freezer and he's pouting.  I'm feeling rather down right now, and I'm not sure what to say without hurting his feelings.  But at the same time, I really don't want him to fall into a food slump. 


thanks,  Mary

General Discussion / I"m thinking... I get it!
« on: September 23, 2011, 01:44:01 PM »
Hi everybody,

So you know how I've been going on and on about how I'm just not doing something right?  Well I get it now.   ::)  You see my first two weeks I was doing all of my eating by the book, then Joey got involved, and I started to spend more time working on his eating plan than I did on my own.  No we don't always eat the same things (he like spicy).

So I went back and reread the book.  Oh my goodness, I totally was messing up my food!  I went back to the basics, and I feel so much better.  It's kind of crazy that I spent all that time making Joey his food and didn't bother to just prep my own.  But... I did and now that I'm back on track, maybe I will start to lose again. 

It's really upsetting getting on the scale and finding that you gained three pounds when your kid is melting away in front of you.  But, things have started to change, I'm going to have to keep the book FTS with me in my carry all bag. 

It was strange, I thought I was doing it all right.. Well, a little of this and a little of that are nothing but a big no no!

God bless you all, and have a wonderful weekend.


General Discussion / In a slump
« on: September 16, 2011, 08:32:06 AM »
Hi,  I know I'm always posting how great my son (Joe) is doing, but... I have not said how I'm doing.  I'm not doing as well as I would like to be.  I'm sticking to my food lists, but I'm not losing.

Any ideas?  I even exercise every day on my tread mill as well as do a buns and thigh workout. I'm not even losing inches.  The first 7 pounds came off without a hitch... now I'm stuck!  HELP!

I don't know what to do..

Thank you for your help.


General Discussion / The KID is Melting!
« on: September 13, 2011, 10:11:07 AM »
Ok, I just got a text from my son Joey.  He's been doing FTS since last Saturday and as of today he has lost 8 pounds! ;D

I am so proud of him.  I just had to share the news.

As for me... well I'm down 5 and that's great for me!  I don't get how he's losing the weight so fast, and I'm not?  Maybe because he has more to lose?  I don't know.  I'm going to keep plugging along as I have been, and giving my baby all the praise he deserves.

Have a great day.

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