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Topics - TabyTaby

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General Discussion / Quest Pasta...0 carbs...
« on: July 15, 2013, 11:55:43 PM »
Has anyone heard of Quest Pasta? It's supposed to be 0 carbs because it's 100% soluble's a link, let me know what you think! It appears that they too are made from the konjac root...or glucomannan, but they maybe cheaper or easier to get for some than miracle noodles or shiritaki so I thought I would share :)

General Discussion / Helpful Website
« on: July 12, 2013, 01:33:42 AM »
Here's a website I found that I think is a major help with converstions...and it gives you all the nutritritional information about many different foods. It is SUCH a big help for me :) just wanted to share! It's so easy and helpful, especially for newbies!!!

Here is another one...full of low carb news and articles!

Have a great day!!!

General Discussion / Carb Count for chopped/processed/pureed
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:41:55 AM »
Okay...a couple of questions. This might seem stupid, but I'm just not coming to a safe conclusion...two things I'm getting ready to make again...mashed cauliflower and low carb strawberry jam...soooo how do you calculate the carbs? I mean, do you count it with the cauli before or after it's mashed? Like is 1 cup of mashed cauli the same as 1 cup non mashed? The same with the strawberries? Sorry, I looked through the threads because I know I've asked this before and others have but I couldn't find an answer! Thanks in advance for any and all help! I NEED fried cauli tots NOW  :o!!!  :D ;D

General Discussion / Need help with food ideas...
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:23:58 AM »
Hey everyone! I need a list of some foods or recipes that have 0 carbs...sometimes when I'm up really late with my babygirl (like tonight) even though I may have had dinner, and may have used 20 carbs already, I find myself very hungry (like now), and like tonight, my stomach is burning, growling, and nauseated (I'm also on a med that I have to take late that is supposed to be taken with food) so I need some ideas on something I could snack on a little just to keep the tummy happy...nothing big, just a little there anything out there? I've heard Kale is zero carbs...and I could make Kale, but I didn't know if it was true and what to do with it besides boil it or try to make kale chips...Thanks for your help! Oh, and P.S. for those of you that don't know...I'm vegetarian ;) so any meats are out of the question.

General Discussion / 4th of July BBQ and I need help...
« on: July 02, 2013, 07:01:42 PM »
Okay, so for the 4th of July we are going to a friend's house for the evening, and everyone is supposed to bring a dish. Well, the hostess asked me if I could make coleslaw or potato salad...problem is, I don't eat either of them because I don't eat mayo, mustard, or sour cream...I'm considering making the coleslaw, but I can't find a recipe without sour cream or mayo...I've never eaten coleslaw because those ingredients are always in there...but I was thinking, do you think Walden Farms Ranch dressing would work as a sub for the mayo?? OR does anyone else have any suggestions?

General Discussion / I need a friend...
« on: June 28, 2013, 12:52:29 AM »
Okay, I've been doing a TERRIBLE job on sticking to what I should...but I'm not giving up. However, I'd really appreciate it if there's anyone who is a major Facebooker that might add me as a friend on there and help keep me accountable. I am on Facebook ALL the time practically...and since I'm doing this alone, I could use someone to help keep me on track on FB. I post a lot of stuff on there, personal stuff and I have my privacy settings really high, so it's almost impossible to search me, but I might could find one of ya'll and add ya'll...but I need more accountability and encouragement. If anyone is interested you can PM me if you want with your name so I can find you! I post a lot of political/religious stuff on FB so warning, if you're easily offended, you might not want to add me :P thanks in advance! Oh, my name on FB is Desiree Morrison, but like I said I'm hard to find. I was trying to add another FTS member but we couldn't find each other because of privacy settings :\

General Discussion / What I ate today :D
« on: June 19, 2013, 08:02:04 PM »
Okay...soooo Doug asked me post what I eat daily, your guess is right that I probably don't eat like I should, I don't eat very  much at all, but I just don't get hungry, and I keep weird hours so...I end up not eating too much. Today I have having a bad day, so what did I do? I ate 4 pickle spears for lunch (5 carbs) and then I had a 1/2 a cup of strawberries (3.5 carb) with 2 Tbspn Reddiwhip (1 carb) total so far 9.5 carbs. Dinner planned...depends on if I get hungry, but if I do it will be a Boca patty with cheese on top (0) carbs, the new ones are 0. I only drink water or almond milk unsweetened or metromint water :) now the pickles are unusual....I think I depleted my sodium levels on all the water pills and I was CRAVING pickles and pickle juice like an addict! I think that may be why I've been dizzy and feel like I'm blacking out...not to mention I also am on Norco, Soma, Amitryptaline (stomach issues) Nexium, and Robaxin.

This is what it said...and I don't really believe it, but would appreciate a good strong rebuttal for it when people say these things to me:

"Well, after a while of having very little carbohydrates available for exercise or daily activities the body begins producing ‘ketones’. These ketones are the leftovers from fats broken down in the body. With enough production of ketones the body starts to ‘store’ fat (a process called ketosis). In other words, that wonderful chemical reaction that gave you that great feeling of, “Oh wow, look how much weight I lost!” turns into, “Why am I gaining weight?!”."

Any help clarifying why this is an incorrect statement? I'm not very good with explaining the ketosis and keytones process...

General Discussion / Sneaky sneaky carbs, and hateful people
« on: June 16, 2013, 03:04:51 AM »
So, after reviewing my progress, and lack there-of at times, I was very discouraged again I reread the 1rst Fat to Skinny Fast and Easy book...boy did that fuel me up! I began searching for hidden carbs that I might be missing because I really don't think sugar alcohols are totally to blame, they never hurt me last time around...and guess what I found? TWO culprits! One I think I posted on a couple years ago when I did this the first time...lemon juice. Guess what I forgot? Lemon juice has about 2.6grams of carbs per 2 Tbsp!!! Guess what I drench my water in? That's right...lemon juice! UGH how sneaky. The second one really shocked me. So I bought a very expensive, imported PURE vanilla extract and I've used it to flavor a few things there and I read the ingredient since it's something I use often...guess what I saw? FRUCTOSE syrup!!! What in the world? How is that "pure"??? SMH they don't provide nutritional information on the box so I had to read the ingredients...a habit I'm just getting used to doing, and BAM...there it was :'(. So I went to the store and got a different brand that had NO sugar or sugar derivatives in it. Darn that vanilla!!! So at least there's still hope for me yet :P on another note...when I reread the book tonight I got so inspired, I felt more empowered than ever! So I posted a Facebook status and quoted Doug out of the part of the book that talked about cows being fattened up with grains and corn and no wonder we are fat...I talked about how I was inspired and I wouldn't give up and this would be so much healthier for my inside of body and guarantee that I never have to even face Diabetes...well guess what someone had to say? After all that, talking about being inspired and ready to make a lifetime commitment to change, not like last time, she responds, "Horses are fed grains and corn and they aren't fat." What is the point of that? So I told her, horses are also fed vegetables, they are ridden and they run, they get a lot of exercise, they are also portion fed by a farmer who probably doesn't want to waste money overfeeding them...cows and us, are overfed...we have as much as we want at our fingertips...cows aren't ridden, they don't run around a fence or pasture, and they are intentionally overfed (much like we do ourselves) to get fat. Unless you have a personal chef, you have to measure your portions yourself. She didn't respond ;) why are people so vile against being healthy? It's not like it's a bad thing. Sheesh.

Vegetarian Recipes / French "bread" pizza
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:45:38 AM »
So I LOVE french bread pizza...but I don't like the sugar in the bread and it doesn't like as a substitute you can take a zucchini, chop off the ends, cut it in half length wise, take a small tomato and cut off a couple slices, cut those slices in half, then take your favorite cheese (I love Mozzarella) and you put the slices of tomato on the zucchini and then top with the cheese, a little bit of Italian seasoning (basil, thyme, oregano, or rosemary) and a little extra virgin olive oil and bake in the oven at 350 degrees until the cheese is browning and melted! The carbs depend on the size of your zucchini, our zucchinis are tiny tiny here, so it's about a cup's worth, so it's about 4-5 carbs with the tomato included. I usually slice the tomato and then slice that slice in it's usually closer to 4 carbs than 5, but it depends on the size of your veggies. It's a tasty treat and I don't miss the bread at all! You can also use a low-carb pasta sauce instead of tomato if you'd like :) it tastes just as good!

Vegetarian Recipes / Fajitas and wrap
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:39:52 AM »
So, another dish I like to make is vegetarian fajitas! I use the LaTortilla Factory tortillas, if you get the large you can cut them in half for 3 carbs I believe, if you get small they are 4carbs, or the ones I have, the only ones I found at our Kroger were Garlic and herb. Take your choice of low-carb veggies...I use squash, zucchini, and bell pepper...I sautee it in butter in a non-stick pan until it's slightly firm but softening, and then top with cheese and a little low-carb salsa, usually 1Tbsp is more than enough for one fajita...or you can use hot sauce...and it's AWESOME! The carb count of course will depend on what veggies you use, but you don't use much. I usually save the rest of the sliced veggies for a veggie tray as Doug suggested, or for another dish. Usually 2 fajitas are satisfying for me. I slice all the veggies up and with the bell pepper I slice long ways, then chop down the middle to make a smaller more edible strand.

Another idea is to make a small green salad and put in a LaTortilla Factory tortilla for a wrap, you can dress it with your favorite dressing. You can also roll these up and make vegetarian pinwheels for a quickie snack later :D Again the carbs would depend on the veggie you use, but for the wrap I like baby spinach, olives (black, green, or calamato) one slice of tomato chopped up, some bell pepper and cheese...but you could add cucumber or any low-carb veggie really. I love them.

Vegetarian Recipes / Yogurt Dish :)
« on: June 14, 2013, 10:21:32 PM »
Okay...this is my go-to sweet treat...and the best part? It's VEGETARIAN of course  ;D

1/3 cup of Stonyfield's Organic Plain Yogurt
Splash of pure vanilla extract
Few drops of Ez-Sweetz or better yet FTS Zero sweetener (I use 4 drops)
1 oz. chopped pecans
1 sliced and then chopped strawberry

It comes to 5 net carbs and the yogurt alone has 7.5 grams of protein! If you use the non organic or flavored version of the yogurt your carb count will change...this is strictly for Stonyfield's Organic Plain Yogurt! It doesn't have gelatin like Dannon or some of the others do so it's only has about 5 ingredients and most of them are live cultures. You can skip the sweetener but it's very bitter without it. If you have extra carbs to spare you can add Rediwhip or another whipped topping but I find that it tastes just fine without it. Enjoy!

Product Reviews / Stonyfield's Organic Plain Yogurt
« on: June 13, 2013, 11:21:15 PM »
So, I was carousing the store tonight (Wal-Mart) and was looking for low-carb vegetarian such luck. I happened to see Stonyfield's organic plain yogurt and saw it had 9g of carbs for 1 whole cup! Awesome! It only has like 3-4 ingredients and was vegetarian friendly (no gelatin) I went home and made 1/3 a cup, with 1oz of chopped pecans, 1 sliced strawberry, and some vanilla flavoring and ez-sweetz was delish :) a great little treat! Just wanted to share!

General Discussion / Cravings...
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:20:19 PM »
UGH I'm having a craving for sweets, candybars, and soda. SMH I have one Zevia in the fridge but I was trying to save it since I"ve already had one today...I don't know how to deal with these's pretty bad tonight and I'm not sure I'm going to make it :\ I've done well today. For dinner I had a salad and vegetarian fajitas on low-carb I've done well yesterday and today...but I'm struggling right now and not sure what to do. I don't have any carb friendly sweets. What do you do when you're craving? How do you handle it? It's much worse this time around than the last time :(

Product Reviews / My favorite drink!!! Metromint!
« on: June 10, 2013, 04:46:01 PM »
I don't know if any of ya'll have ever had it, but I get Metromint Water at my local Kroger store for 1$ a bottle and it is SO good! It only has 2-3 ingredients depending on which flavor you get. My favorite is the orange mint has water, mint, and orange essence. That's it! No carbs, no artificial sweeteners, it's really good! Of course, if you don't like mint you won't like it because ALL the water has mint...thus the Metromint name ;) I was scared to try the chocolate mint water but it is on my favorite list now too! It's so awesome! Just wanted to share :D

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