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Messages - schultzkr01

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Ask Umpa / Re: Peanut Butter Pie!
« on: August 09, 2010, 02:34:24 PM »
Any luck on this one umpa?

On a side note, do you know much about the carbs in whipped topping (i.e. Cool Whip)?  Interestingly the regular whipped topping has 2g carb per serving, while the sugar free version has 3g carbs per serving?  What does that mean?  Which version is better to use then?

Check it out:

General Discussion / Re: FTS Diet Derailment...?
« on: August 08, 2010, 10:20:00 PM »
Thanks everyone!  FTS is still a struggle for me, but I'm going to try to stick with it and hope it gets easier.

But regardless of the usual temptations which would totally blow my daily carb count to smithereens (sp?), I still find it hard to stay under 20g carbs per day when eating the right low-carb foods.  Like most vegetables still have 2-3g carbs per 1/2 cup, and I could eat about 5 cups worth throughout the day.  I'm not even a big girl, I swear!

Doug, Umpa, and others...I am seriously awed by how you can keep it under 20g per day.  And Doug--how you say you sometimes only each brunch and then aren't hungry again until dinner time??!  I would go CRAZYYYYYYYYYYY!

General Discussion / FTS Diet Derailment...?
« on: August 04, 2010, 06:00:45 PM »

I am fairly new to FTS, trying my best to eat low carb/low sugar.  While I can do so the majority of the time, there are still times where my work & social obligations make it very difficult.  My question is, will one or two BAD meals a week completely "derail" my FTS weight loss?  Now clearly I'd be better off and lose more weight faster if I didn't eat any of these BAD meals, but I would think sticking mostly to FTS is better than no FTS at all.

I realize this is sort of like "2 steps forward, 1 step back", but I'm wondering if there is any body chemistry reaction or something that would cause these BAD meals to have an even greater effect, like "2 steps forward and 3 steps back"!!

Anyone know what I mean?

Ask Umpa / Peanut Butter Pie!
« on: August 02, 2010, 02:02:45 PM »
How can we FTS this recipe for frozen Peanut Butter Pie?


    * 1/2 cup peanut butter
    * 1 cup powdered sugar
    * 1/4 cup milk
    * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    * 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese
    * 1 (8-ounce) tub whipped topping
    * Ice cream topping (recommended: Magic Shell)
    * 1 cookie pie crust (recommended: Oreo)


In large bowl combine all the ingredients except the toppings and crust. Blend with a hand mixer. Gently fold in whipped topping; pour into prepared crust and freeze for 2 hour. Once frozen, drizzle with chocolate topping and re-freeze for 20 minutes.  Thaw slightly before serving and cut into thin slices because this is a rich pie.

Ask Umpa / Tiramisu
« on: August 02, 2010, 01:08:28 PM »
I would LOVE to see a low-carb recipe for one of my favorite Italian treats...Tiramisu!

General Discussion / Re: A Day in the Low Carb Life of Doug & Umpa?
« on: July 26, 2010, 11:06:51 PM »

General Discussion / A Day in the Low Carb Life of Doug & Umpa?
« on: July 26, 2010, 01:42:03 PM »

I am relatively new to the forum and the FTS diet.  While I believe the diet is working, I definitely find it challenging to stay at 20g carbs per day even though I'm eating all low-carb foods!  Typically I have been ending up closer to 30-35g per day.  Keeping a daily carb count journal has helped me pinpoint a few specific items on which I am "overspending" my share of daily carbs.  But even so, I feel like if I stayed at 20g per day I would never feel full!  Does this mean I am just a total pig who eats too large portions?  I'm not a very big person (128 lbs, 5'4")...

Sorry if you have already posted something similar in the past (if so please direct me to that!).  But Doug/Umpa:  do you keep a daily carb count journal?  Or are you just so familiar with carbs counts at this point that you just keep count in your head?

I thought it would be interesting to see just a couple days worth of what you guys are eating (items & portions) that keeps you at around 20g carbs per day. 


Sugar Alcohols / Re: Where do I find Sugar Alcohols on my lables
« on: July 20, 2010, 12:52:16 PM »
Hi Doug & Umpa,

While on vacation I read your book and am totally motivated to lose those extra 10 pounds I always wish weren't there.  I've been keeping my fridge stocked with lots of low carb foods.

My issue is that I have a HUGE sweet tooth.  Chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream, cookies, candy...I have to have something like that every day, multiple times a day even.  A habit I should try to break, clearly...

My first question is around Sugar Alcohols.  I know you say that we can subtract Sugar Alcohol grams from Total Carbs to get Net Carbs, but I've also read a few articles that say this is misleading and that for some people, Sugar Alcohols do cause a spike in blood sugar (which I'm assuming means it can still turn into fat?).

My second question is that I notice a lot of low-carb products (e.g. Atkins bars, snacks, shakes) quote very low Net Carbs, but when I subtract the Fiber & Sugar Alcohols, there are still leftover "hidden carbs".  What are these, and why does Atkins subtract them?  Are they correct in doing this?

Example:  Atkins Advantage Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar (front of package says "Only 2g Net Carbs")

Total Carbs:    22g
Dietary Fiber:  10g
Sugar:             1g
Sugar Alcohols: 0g

Wouldn't that be 12g Net Carbs?  What is the other 10g that Atkins subtracts??

Thanks for your help!

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