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Messages - SeaGail

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General Discussion / 12 hours short of a week - drum roll please!
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:27:59 PM »
I was shocked, I tell you, shocked - and surprised - and ecstatic.  As of this morning, I have lost 9.5 my first week back!  AND I'M 62 years young!  I am so thankful that you encouraged me to start right away Doug and not try to finish the Medifast fake food.

Thank you thank you thank you!  I got the "new" book and that has proved inspiring as well.

Here's to continued success!

General Discussion / Re: Day 3 - Yes!
« on: August 30, 2013, 11:40:21 AM »
It IS getting easier.  I just had to sneak a peak on the scale and I've lost 5 lbs in 5 days!  Yee haw!!!

I am so impressed with your daughter's GPA at UT - sure beat mine.  Now had it not been for those first two years, it would have looked wonderful, but I became a mini-wild child - away from my small town home for the first time and having fun, plus the fact that the first two years are primarily multiple choice/true false exams, which I do horribly on! Congratulations to her!

Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

General Discussion / Day 3 - Yes!
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:45:00 PM »
It's been a LONG time since I've had 3 straight low-carb days, but for some reason (I guess I'm really ready), it is working!  Of course it always worked before ... it was just my mind that did a number on me.  Feeling very good - taking magnesium & probiotics and I have not had the common problem among many on low carb (constipation) so far, so that's very encouraging.  That's one thing that would sometimes lead me astray.

Getting my new and improved FTS book today - yea!

I am even going to a wedding shower at lunch today, but I canceled the Gardenburger that I ordered and will absolutely, positively not partake of the cake!  I'm taking my water and a piece of string cheese to get me through the event.   Previously (the past few weeks anyway), I have been unable to avoid the goodies at work, so this is a positive step back in the right direction.

Gail in WA

I am so grateful and thankful for all the great suggestions and encouragement.  I was looking through some recipes and the Butterfinger pieces REALLY caught my eye (Butterfinger - my all-time favorite).  The beauty is that you can make them any size you want, and a small piece would be enough to soothe the savage beast, but not lead to dangerous desire for sweets.

Day 1 went GREAT - and I didn't even have anything of a sweet nature other than one piece of sugar-free gum - hallelujah!  I had baked chicken with a mayo/salsa "dip" along with salad and italian dressing and was completely satisfied.  Didn't even night snack!  A miracle in itself.

Day 2 began with scrambled eggs and bacon at a place in my building.  A few months ago I tried eggs at Organics to Go in my building and it was obvious something had been added - and it tasted flour-like - yuk!  I'm gonna cook up some eggs/veggies/cheese and take 'em to work to warm up in the mircowave for the next few days, along with some bacon (nitrate/nitrite free) - saves money and tastes better anyway.

Thank you thank you thank you ... again!

Gail in WA

When I went shopping this weekend, I basically came to the same conclusion - why delay something that will be so much better for me (not to mention tastier)!  Unfortunately I didn't have the cookbook with me; however, so I'll make it fairly plain and simple the first week.  Next week, I'll plan some different dishes to make sure I have variety.  I even ordered your new revised book to give myself an extra boost.

I didn't think about selling that stuff elsewhere, but that's a great idea!   I had delicious fried eggs with some melted cheese on top this morning (at 4:30 a.m., no less - I commute via ferry) and it's almost 9:00 a.m. and not a hint of hunger AT ALL!

Thanks again for the suggestion about selling that garbage.  Can't wait to share the joys of eating good food and losing weight!

Gail in WA

Thanks for the info Doug - I really appreciate it!

I downloaded the cookbook on my Kindle yesterday and noticed that you were able to produce recipes that were perfectly block indented (something that doesn't happen well when converting from Word/Mobi to Kindle format).  I recently published a book on Kindle for a friend and I could never get that look - it always wrapped back under the number.  I saw that you can format indented numbers in html language, but wasn't sure whether it would convert properly, so I didn't take the time to try.  If you don't wish to share how you accomplished such a professional looking result, I'll understand.  It was just so frustrating that it looked so good in Word, but not so good in Kindle.


Gail in WA

Excellent suggestions - I'll make sure I have those two items at the ready, but only use when really needed of course.   I'm going through the cookbooks right now and I'm gonna have everything planned out for my first week and by the time I get started, I'll have my grocery list ready too, so it will be a piece of cake (or rather, a piece of cheese maybe?).

Gail in WA

Thank you all for the encouragement and inspiration!  Well, it's gonna be 2 more weeks - I miscalculated how much "food" I still had left, but I am SO anxious to get back to REAL food.  My main issue that I have to address is providing myself with enough what I consider "treats" - at least in the beginning.  That's where I get into trouble.  I feel deprived of those things that make me ultimately feel crummy and gain weight (bread, sweets).  But there are options, and I still have the dessert cookbook and I'm gonna make sure I at least have a little treat available when I get that overwhelming feeling.  I know that eventually that will pass.

I'll keep you posted when I get going!!

Gail in WA

Even better - since I joined Fat & Skinny a long time ago, I've actually lost 49 lbs!  Woo hoo - that should be motivation too!

Question - how do I change the ticker background so that you can see my progress/results so far?  The font color makes it very hard to see, and I want to be loud and proud of how far I've come so far!

Gail in WA

I did lose 41 lbs on Medifast, but I am so sick of the prepackaged dried "food" and can't wait to get back to REAL food.  I have two more weeks remaining of food I purchased, and I just can't waste $150, so once that's done, I'm comin' back - back to real food, good food, healthy food, and food that will help me get rid of the rest!  I just watched a video on Amazon streaming called something like The Perfect Human Diet, and it is low-carb, whole foods, etc.  It helped me work my way back to what I know works and what I know is so much better for me, although getting rid of 41 lbs I am very thankful for.

I will come back on a regular basis once I get started again and I hope I can join Sherrie Pie as a big success and motivation for others, as she is for me.


Gail in WA

General Discussion / Re: First mini-goal!
« on: August 15, 2011, 02:43:06 PM »
Thanks Alex ... funny you called my girly.  My best pal calls me Gaily Girl - that's kinda close!

I know - it's so true.  It isn't the program at all, but the person who chooses to use it, and when you use it, it more than works!

I can't wait to make the Umpa's banana custard recipe - that's the occasional treat that will be in my future as soon as I get the extract!

Here's to a good week for us all - still can't believe it's the middle of August!

General Discussion / First mini-goal!
« on: August 15, 2011, 01:20:28 PM »
So I didn't get going seriously with extreme focus until the past week and a half, but to see -10 is wonderful (and actually, from my all time high it's almost 20, but that was a month or two ago, so I'm just counting my late July-Aug start weight).

Truly, the hunger is just not there after I eat my 3-egg/bacon breakfast and I easily go until I get home at night for dinner.  Of course if I were to get hungry during the day, I would eat but as long as I'm not, I'm not gonna force it.

As always, the key to success for me is planning planning planning (and the occasional "legal" treat)!

Thanks Doug and Umpa!!!  I know it's taken me too many starts, but I have finally taken off and plan on finishing this race!

A miracle ... since I'm new to Win7, I didn't know all the features, and I discovered that when I clicked on one of my folders and chose Properties, it had previous versions!  Voila - my old files were there and I was able to restore the ones I was missing (including my cookbooks).  YAHOO!

Thanks for replying and offering to help in my time of panic.

 ???  I purchased the Fat-to-Skinny recipe books a while back - both Regular and Baking ones.  I don't know how it happened, but somehow the folder disappeared in the transfer from my old PC to my new one at work.  I was even able to go back to my original PC and it was GONE.  I recently looked at it too.  Is there anyway I can get another copy of each one.  I was so disappointed today when I went looking for the folder and it was gone.  Several other files mysteriously disappeared as well.  I think there's a gremlin in my PC!

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.  DANGIT.  At least I have a few of my favorite recipes printed out, but I do want to have it as a resource forever.  If I am able to get them back, you can bet I will back them up on a CD!

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