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Messages - TabyTaby

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Weight Loss Stalled! WHY? / Re: 10 Week Stall
« on: July 07, 2013, 09:11:15 PM »
Maybe you're right on the sugar alcohols, maybe you triggered your body enough to kick in...I'll tell from my experience with the first time around, I did that once, I took out all sweet and sugar alcohol and did only 10 carbs and I lost a few, but when I went back to 20, the few I lost came back for a couple days...but then it started melting off again, just a warning in case the you see the scale pop back up, in my experience it comes right back down. You hang in there...I betcha you'll find a trigger.

Meal Plans / Re: TooSweets quest for un-sweetness
« on: July 07, 2013, 07:05:33 PM »
Awesome thanks Morgan!!!

No problem gal...just lemme know!

Meal Plans / Re: TooSweets quest for un-sweetness
« on: July 07, 2013, 06:40:54 PM »
Intrigued...what are umpadoodles?

Morgan...would it be easier if someone in the states mailed you one and you mailed back reimbursement? I wouldn't mind helping you if that's a route you decide you want to try.

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 07, 2013, 05:51:50 PM »
Yes it does Morgan! It's just...wonderful :D thanks, I'm sure I will! Houston is about 3 hours from me so it's quite the nice little trip :D

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 07, 2013, 05:40:30 PM »
Oh friends! I wanted to add a new exciting thing I found :D I found sugar free jello that does not have gelatin in it...So it's vegetarian! WOOHOO and it has less than 1 carb for a little cup...AND I found sugar free pudding that does not have gelatin in it...and it's 3 or 4 carbs per cup...SO excited. Made. My. Day. I LOVE freebies LOL

Thanks...sounds awesome!

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 07, 2013, 05:37:49 PM »
Amen TooSweet...that's why I love you even more! :Dv :-*

Meal Plans / Re: TooSweets quest for un-sweetness
« on: July 07, 2013, 05:37:05 PM »
I think with FTS it is an exchange...but Doug continues to warn that you have to change old habits as's the combination I think that works...simply exchanging without understanding and changing would be in vain and I think eventually would lead to disaster, as that article shows. You've been on track for so long girl I can't imagine you falling! I'm SO glad you're are a great help and inspiration for me :D

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:52:48 PM »
Thanks TooSweet! I'll give an update once I know more :) sooo excited for tomorrow...I'm treating like a girl's day out after the testing LOL

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:17:42 PM »
You're right Tony! I have a game plan already in place...I have a high fiber low carb chocolate bar (2 carbs because of 14 grams of fiber) that will be my "treat"...then I will bring a couple celery sticks with low carb almond butter, and bring a couple tortillas so I can have a meal somewhere :) game on!

General Discussion / Re: What I ate today :D
« on: July 07, 2013, 03:20:15 PM »
Hey Jay! No sir, it's not the Boca patties. I may eat two a month :) I'm not a huge processed soy fan ;) plus I've eaten them for 16 years...WAY before I had this issue :) So I wanted to post an update! I've been on the FTS now with no backsliding for 7 days...and I've lost 13 pounds in 7 days!!! Yay! I'm now averaging about a pound a day the last few days which is still great for me I think. I'm rocking and rolling...and even though I made a blueberry cake with blueberry frosting from scratch from hubby last night, I chopped it up and sent it home with bad as I wanted it, I did NOT eat it, I just made it and got it out of the house so I wouldn't be tempted ;) next big milestone is my trip to Houston favorite restaurants are there so it will be hard BUT doable. I'll be leaving at 4:30am this morning so I may be quiet on here tonight and tomorrow :) will update as I can!

Just a quick question...and someone may have told me somewhere else and I don't remember...I'm not planning on making these anytime soon, I don't have the gear to do it anyhow, but what do you suggest replacing cream cheese with? I can't have it and I was wondering if heavy whipping cream wouldn't do the trick?

Meal Plans / Re: TooSweets quest for un-sweetness
« on: July 07, 2013, 03:04:25 PM »
You're right TooSweet, as I've said before, and addict is an addict is an addict. I've worked with addicts who were addicted to Opium which is a disease classified by the DSM-TR-IV and I've counseled them on how to break the addiction, and the same things I told them, I am now telling myself! I once had a guy who was addicted to heroine who got clean for 8 months, then a friend of his came over with some cocaine...NOT even what he was addicted to before and he had never had a coke problem...guess what happened? He took a hit and dropped out of the program. I liken this to sugar and sugar subs...we may never have had a problem with sugar substitutes, but if we only change the action, the presenting problem (regular sugar dependence) instead of the root issue (our minds and attitudes about our bad eating lifestyle) then you're just masking it and swapping it out for something else, and eventually, we will fall. We have to change ourselves and our mind along the process...which I know to be extremely hard because I am STILL in the process. The truth is, for me, this may be a lifelong process, but as long as I recognize that and keep it at the forefront of my mind I am's when I think I'm safe and "above" that type of behavior that I will fall ;)

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